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  • Leadership
    Mike is Protiviti’s global leader of Industry & Client Programmes and a member of Protiviti’s executive team. He also serves as the leader of the firm’s global Financial Services industry practice. Mike has more than 20 years of experience focused on serving clients in financial services, regulatory risk and compliance matters. His areas of expertise include governance, risk, and compliance,…
  • Leadership
    Scott has over 26 years of experience in consulting and public accounting, providing risk management and audit services to clients predominately in the Hotels, Motels, and Resorts segment of the Hospitality industry. He has significant experience helping hospitality companies understand and manage enterprise risks, including cyber security, third-party, privacy, resilience / continuity of…
  • Leadership
    Nichole Minice is a managing director in Protiviti’s internal audit and financial advisory practice and the Phoenix office market lead. She has more than 18 years of audit experience in the consumer products and services sector, helping clients to understand and develop ways to manage risks effectively and maximize efficiencies. She specializes in project management, annual risk assessment, audit…
  • Solution and Industry
    The global pandemic may have limited our ability to physically interact with one another, but it did not break our innate need to experience life together. Companies that continue to adapt to this new reality while remaining focused on the human need for personal interaction and memorable experiences will thrive today and tomorrow. At the industry’s resilient core are steadfast companies and…
  • Solution and Industry
    Confrontées à des perturbations et à une pression sur les coûts sans précédent, les compagnies d'assurance doivent relever le défi de répondre aux attentes des clients tout en proposant des produits et des canaux de distribution innovants. Les compagnies d'assurance doivent également répondre à des interrogations sur l’organisation dans l’avenir du travail, à des problèmes de chaîne d'…
  • Solution and Industry
    Protiviti aide les acteurs dans le domaine du paiement à être plus efficaces et efficients en tenant compte des risques, en respectant les réglementations, en mettant en place un contrôle efficace et en utilisant les technologies de pointe. Toute organisation peut être exposée à des risques émergents, ce qui rend essentiel pour la direction et les conseils d'administration d'anticiper ces…
  • De nouvelles solutions de prêt ont perturbé les marchés traditionnels du prêt automobile captif, direct et indirect. Les clients utilisent de plus en plus leurs cartes de crédit pour gérer leur endettement et génèrent ainsi des revenus de commissions et d'intérêts perçus, mais peuvent également inonder les institutions de demandes de crédit, d'augmentations des limites de crédit, de litiges et de…
  • Survey
    May 9, 2023
    Organisations today spend an average of 30% of their IT budgets and invest a fifth of their IT human resources on technical debt management. This research, based on a global survey of more than 1,000 CIOs, CTOs and other technology leaders, underscores the burden created by technical debt and likely is an eye-opener for the CFO.[1] As organisations strive to increase their focus, and time and…
  • Podcast
    October 9, 2023
    The results from this year's Global Technology Audit Risks Survey, conducted by Protiviti and The Institute of Internal Auditors, reveal a complex and multifaceted landscape of technology risks. Cybersecurity is the top priority and by a wide margin. AI is an emerging risk with gaps in organisational preparedness and audit proficiency. The talent gap in IT is a growing concern and data privacy is…
  • Flash Report
    June 8, 2023
    On Tuesday, June 6, 2023, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (collectively, the agencies) issued the “Interagency Guidance on Third-Party Relationships: Risk Management.”[1] This marks the long-awaited finalisation of the proposed guidance that was initially issued on July 19,…