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  • The role of finance and operation executives is evolving to keep pace with the changing demands of customers and technology. Our finance and operations collection compiles global perspectives to help leaders become a forward-thinking, strategic partner to the business.
  • Client Story
    May 9, 2024
    Elevate compliance and efficiency with SAP GRC implementation by Protiviti. Streamline access control and process management for seamless operations.
  • News
    September 15, 2020
  • Solution and Industry
    Protiviti helps organisations develop and implement a unique employee experience that will drive specific business and human outcomes. Today, more than ever before, employees want to work for organisations that put the human experience at the center of all they do. Organisations that create a differentiated employee experience (EX) will attract, retain, and engage the best industry talent.…
  • Solution and Industry
    Quel que soit le niveau de maturité de votre organisation, Protiviti vous aide à définir ou améliorer votre dispositif de gestion des risques et ainsi saisir les opportunités de demain.Les fonctions de gestion des risques, dont les missions ont été largement accrues en quelques années, bénéficient de budgets de plus en plus significatifs et sont devenues incontournables quel que soit le secteur d…
  • Solution and Industry
    Nous combinons sous un pilotage unique des services de conseil, de gestion de projet et d’accompagnement opérationnel en mobilisant des équipes de professionnels hautement qualifiés qui vous aident à faire face aux urgences et à mener à bien vos projets critiques.Consulting and staffing solutions for enterprise-level projects.We provide a unique and flexible delivery model to help you address…
  • Solution and Industry
    Status quo and legacy ways of working will result in falling behind rather than keeping up. Internal Audit leaders need to embrace the need for change and key Internal Audit stakeholders need to expect it.  Business initiatives, regulatory requirements, and technology have all been subject to significant change; Internal Audit functions need to change and evolve simply to keep up and must…
  • Solution and Industry
    Nous fournissons des services d'audit interne d’envergure mondiale, en nous appuyant sur des pratiques de pointe que nous avons contribué à définir et à façonner au sein de la profession.  L'innovation nous inspire et nous motive. La technologie et les données permettent de gagner en visibilité et en efficience. Des méthodes éprouvées et actuelles permettent d'obtenir des résultats probants…
  • Solution and Industry
    Although the timeline for the regulation to come into force and the requirements for UK ICFR are not established, the premium listed companies and Public Interest Entities (PIE) mentioned in the ‘Restoring trust in audit and corporate governance’ consultation are the most likely to be impacted by the reforms.We can help you prepare for the upcoming regulation and stay ahead of the change,…
  • Solution and Industry
    Challenge how you think and operate. Transform your strategy and talent management processes, evolve your delivery and methodologies, enable everything you do with data and technology. The pace of change is rapid. Internal Audit functions must have an innovation mindset to strive for and drive continuous improvement through the exploration, adoption and adaptation of contemporary methods, skills…