Technology Insights
January 2025
Protiviti Tech Leaders Have Something to Say
Protiviti Managing Director Randy Armknecht was among experts quoted in Information Week's story, "Clearing the Clouds Around the Shared Responsibility Model," discussing misunderstandings around which entity handles data security in a cloud shared responsibility model.
Also, Sameer Ansari, Managing Director — Security and Privacy, joined industry experts featured in a story, "5 Cybersecurity Threats CFOs Should Look Out For," discussing why, as he says, "CFOs need to understand how specific cyber threats could lead to financial losses, damage customer trust and the organisation’s brand and impact investors.”

Protiviti-University of Oxford Survey
Protiviti-Oxford Survey Shows ‘Us vs. Them’ Disconnect in How Global Execs View Data Privacy
When we asked global business leaders how concerned they were with their company’s ability to protect their customer data, a mere 8% said they were concerned or extremely concerned. But when we probed their level of concern about their own personal data privacy, 78% said they were concerned or extremely concerned. Same executives, same survey; just a handful of questions apart.
Furthermore, one in five said they had “no concerns at all” about their company’s ability to protect customer data. No concerns at all? Do they not get the same regular data breach notices the rest of us do? Of course they do, which is why more than three-quarters of respondents said it was likely they would personally experience a significant data breach over the next five years. But, apparently, not at the companies of the business leaders we surveyed.
Protiviti's Sameer Ansari, Managing Director — Security and Privacy, recently talked with FT Agenda Week about the Protiviti-Oxford survey. Read that story here.

White Paper
Top Compliance Challenges Facing the Technology Industry in 2025
Consider the goals of technology regulation: protecting consumers, safeguarding children, promoting fair competition, preventing misinformation, bolstering national security, upholding ethical standards, ensuring nondiscrimination, promoting industry resilience and fostering sustainability. The technology sector is navigating an increasingly complex regulatory landscape shaped by diverse oversight.
As we considered what compliance challenges are likely to be top of mind for technology companies in 2025, we compiled a list consisting of both regulatory and business risks. The list, while not exhaustive or ranked, highlights priorities likely to garner attention from companies and regulators. The evergreen topics of data protection and security are integral to these themes.

By Ed Cordero and Manish Chawla
Cloud infrastructure has emerged as a critical factor for driving business success. Ensuring cloud resilience isn’t just desirable, it’s essential, as application downtime means lost revenue. A comprehensive approach to cloud resilience ensures that when failures occur, systems can recover quickly, continue to deliver value and maintain business continuity in the face of disruptions. This approach, known as operational resilience, has become a top priority for organisations globally.
Throughout 2024, our SAP experts addressed the hottest topics in the SAP space. Here’s our wrap-up of the five most popular of our blogs this year. Missed one? Catch up by clicking "read more," then share with a colleague.