Improving compliance.

We help organisations achieve effective ongoing compliance with J-SOX. We help organisations implement sustainable processes to manage compliance costs while improving internal control over financial reporting. Our J-SOX compliance team will help you improve the speed, efficiency, and quality of financial reporting to establish effective global corporate governance.

Improve the speed, efficiency, and quality of financial reporting

J-SOX Compliance

Improving compliance.
Pro Briefcase

Public Company Readiness - Year One SOX

Design a roadmap to comply with J-SOX. We help you right-size your J-SOX programme using leading practices to build an efficient control framework.

Pro Rightmark Square

J-SOX Diagnostic

Rationalise and optimise your J-SOX controls. We leverage years of compliance expertise and guidance from the Financial Services Agency of Japan (JFSA).

Pro Workflow Flowchart

Ongoing J-SOX Compliance

Assess the effectiveness of your J-SOX programmes to ensure that they adjust to the changing needs of your organisation year over year.

Pro Document Consent

J-SOX Transformation and Innovation

Test faster and more efficiently with our automated tools and global testing centers.

Achieve efficient and effective ongoing compliance with J-SOX

Our approach

Our J-SOX compliance consultants improve the speed, efficiency, and quality of financial reporting to establish effective global corporate governance. This is the value you will receive:

  • J-SOX compliance project planning and management
  • Documentation, evaluation, testing, and remediation of risks and controls with global coverage
  • Improvement of internal controls and the quality of key upstream business processes affecting financial reporting
  • Information technology (IT) tool implementation and support
Achieve efficient and effective ongoing compliance with J-SOX

Key partners

Notre équipe

Fabrice Ligier
Fabrice est Associate Director en charge de la ligne de service Internal Audit & Financial Advisory de Protiviti Paris.  Son expérience combinée de chef de département d’audit interne et de Senior Manager en cabinet d’audit lui a permis d'apporter des ...
Sébastien Vaillant
Sébastien dispose d’une expérience de plus de 15 ans dans le domaine de la gestion des risques, du contrôle interne, ainsi que de l’analyse et l’optimisation des processus. Il a notamment animé une série de téléconférences dédiées à la gestion des risques au sein des ...
Bernard Drui
Bernard Drui est Managing Director et Country Market Leader chez Protiviti France. Il a plus de 25 ans d'expérience dans le monde des affaires, travaillant avec une variété d'organisations pour améliorer leur performance par la gestion des risques, l'efficacité ...