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  • Podcast Transcript

    November 2, 2021
    Ever notice that giant tech companies seem to get press coverage for privacy concerns as often as they do for new product launches? How did we end up in this world of playing catch up with the ethical implications of technology? Quantum computing is still relatively new, but it will impact machine learning, encryption, and other areas that will have major repercussions on all our futures. During…
  • Podcast Transcript

    February 7, 2023
    We’re getting close to practical advantage with quantum computing when running optimisation algorithms. Companies interested in being leaders in their industry should already be considering how to harness this promised power with use cases that solve their business problems. But some companies want a better solution that’s advantageous today, even if it’s only quantum-inspired. Join host…
  • Podcast

    February 22, 2023
    As NISQ-era quantum computing improves, we’re on the cusp of practical advantage within a couple of years. But some companies want to see impressive performance today. That’s where quantum-inspired solutions can provide up to triple the power, all on classical hardware. Learning quantum-inspired programming could even help coders migrate to real quantum computers in the future. Could these…
  • Podcast Transcript

    March 10, 2023
    As NISQ-era quantum computing improves, we’re on the cusp of practical advantage within a couple of years. But some companies want to see impressive performance today. That’s where quantum-inspired solutions can provide up to triple the power, all on classical hardware. Learning quantum-inspired programming could even help coders migrate to real quantum computers in the future. Could these…
  • Client Story

    September 14, 2023
    Protiviti partnered with leading technology company to assess, redesign, and standardise procurement, accounting, and finance functions. The company’s overall goal was to eliminate manual and disparate back-office processes to create capacity for strategic and growth objectives.
  • Client Story

    April 5, 2024
    A leading fundraising and branding organisation offering agency, data processing, and digital and media services was seeking a partner to facilitate the transition to NetSuite as the system of record for its operation.
  • Whitepaper

    January 17, 2018
    Passé la phase de première lecture de la loi (et le projet de recommandations de l’Agence Française Anticorruption, l’AFA), les entreprises soumises à la loi Sapin 2 ont compris que leur cartographie des risques d’entreprise (ou cartographie des risques stratégiques) ne serait pas suffisante ni en cas de contrôle ni pour décliner efficacement leur programme anticorruption. Nous avions publié…
  • Newsletter

    March 8, 2024
    IntroductionL'annonce du report de l'entrée en vigueur de la facturation électronique, initialement prévue pour 2024, semble avoir été accueillie avec soulagement. Toutefois, ce délai supplémentaire n’est pas un renoncement et il reste impératif de maintenir, voire d’intensifier le momentum pour préparer cette transition. En effet, l’amendement pour la Loi de Finance 2024 publié en octobre 2023…
  • Client Story

    September 13, 2023
    This project focused on the company’s efforts to modernise its IT organisation and achieve greater alignment with its business partners as their business model evolved. The project included three key phases of support, starting with an initial IT strategy and target operating model definition, transitioning to enabling value stream-focused Lean portfolio management and then a deeper dive analysis…
  • Whitepaper

    November 10, 2022
    Nous savons dorénavant que l'impensable peut se produire et qu’il doit être anticipé. Dans ce contexte : Disposez-vous vraiment d’une vision globale des principaux risques qui pèsent sur votre organisation et qui peuvent entraver l’atteinte de vos objectifs ? Pourriez-vous les hiérarchiser et déterminer ceux qui nécessitent d’engager rapidement des actions préventives et de sécurisation ? Les…