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  • Whitepaper

    October 10, 2022
    Directors are seeing a significant shift in the priorities discussed in the boardroom. Since the dawn of the 21st century, boards have seen it all — the emergence of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the 2008 global financial crisis, expanded proxy disclosure mandates in 2009, digital disruption of business models amid the threat of “born digital” market entrants, and, of course, the COVID-19…
  • Whitepaper

    April 28, 2022
    Since the beginning of 2020, organisations have been working tirelessly to address the range of complex issues accentuated by the COVID-19 pandemic. While this work continues for many organisations, forward-thinking business leaders are also looking beyond the crisis to operationalise new strategies that will help them build resilient enterprises for many decades to come. Resilience is not about…
  • Newsletter

    August 10, 2023
    With technology clearly a material driver of change, boards of larger companies are trending toward a more strategic focus on technology. Should your board be a part of that trend?Why it matters: The board community has been acknowledging the speed of disruptive innovation, largely driven by emerging technologies.Yes, but: There are also considerations pertaining to speed-to-market, technical…
  • Newsletter

    April 15, 2022
    Every company is a technology company today. With business and technology inextricably intertwined, directors need to possess sufficient knowledge of technology issues to execute their duty of care responsibilities. Research indicates there is a financial performance payback from a technology-savvy board. An analysis of the boards of U.S.-listed companies determined that companies with boards of…
  • Survey

    January 13, 2023
    Global economic uncertainty, inflation and supply chain disruptions are major headwinds facing the consumer products and services industry group, and particularly consumer packaged goods (CPG) and retail companies, heading into the new year. Separately, for airlines and hospitality companies, the potential impact of an unexpected crisis on revenue and resistance to cultural changes are the top…
  • Client Story

    February 17, 2021
    As internal audit organisations look for effective ways to perform their work in a more agile manner, including how to leverage methodologies, data and technology to add value and become strategic advisers to their business partners, many are finding that the use of robotic process automation (RPA) checks a lot of boxes.RPA integration into internal audit functions is expanding and improving…
  • Infographic

    September 1, 2021
    Cybersecurity, privacy, data and resilience dominate the top technology challenges for technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) organisations, according to the annual ISACA/Protiviti Global Survey of IT audit leaders and professionals. These issues, which already were top-of-mind risks for most organisations, have been fueled further by pandemic-driven times of remote work and new business…
  • Newsletter

    November 29, 2023
    Compared to prior years, our suggested 2024 audit committee agenda has taken a bit of a turn due to ongoing and recent market and regulatory developments.A complex business environment: The 2024 audit committee agenda includes important enterprise, governance, process, technology, and financial reporting and disclosure issues that merit consideration by the audit committee beyond its ongoing…
  • Newsletter

    August 23, 2023
    The big picture: So much has been written about generative AI (GenAI), it seems like a constant buzz inspiring both wonder and fear. But the value proposition is alluring. After witnessing OpenAI’s ChatGPT in action, Bill Gates said, “I knew I had just seen the most important advance in technology since the graphical user interface.”Between the lines: The opportunities for using GenAI to enhance…
  • Podcast

    April 3, 2024
    There’s been much speculation about how fault-tolerant quantum computing might accelerate the power of artificial intelligence in the future. But what if those technologies switched roles? AI is already improving certain aspects of current quantum technology. Find out how businesses and verticals can start to use these techniques for real use cases in quantum sensing, simulation, and migration to…