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  • Whitepaper

    April 22, 2020
    What happens to your finance organisation – specifically, the critical processes, activities, reporting and deadlines for which you’re responsible – when your team is suddenly unavailable, unable to work in the office or remotely? Such situations have unfolded with blinding speed during the COVID-19 global pandemic. However, they can just as easily result from other potential emergencies that…
  • Podcast

    November 27, 2023
    Kimberly Dickerson, Executive Vice President - Global Head of Operations and Technology at Protiviti, speaks with Star McDade, Senior Vice President, Audit Services - Staff Agencies, Analytics & Insurance (SA&I) at USAA, about confronting stereotypes by demonstrating the positive influence of risk and assurance professionals, overcoming the challenges in the transformation of auditing…
  • Client Story

    April 18, 2024
    This company is a leader in the supply of after-sale services to the world’s engine and compressor markets and is trusted by nuclear power plants, the U.S. military and both public and private electricity generators around the globe. With the EPA’s recently announced Good Neighbor Plan in mind, the client needed a quick, reliable air pollution reduction strategy. However, the company had to sift…
  • Whitepaper

    October 10, 2017
    En route vers la conformité ! Le parlement européen a adopté le Règlement général sur la protection des données (RGPD) de l’Union (UE) le 14 avril 2016, au terme de quatre années de négociations. La nouvelle législation remplace l’initiative sur la protection des données de l’UE entrée en vigueur en 1995 et en élargit la portée. Le RGPD s’applique à toutes les organisations qui traitent,…
  • Whitepaper

    April 24, 2018
    L’audit interne a pour principaux objectifs d’apporter de la valeur ajoutée à son organisation et d’améliorer la maîtrise des opérations. La gestion des ressources, les compétences disponibles, la couverture géographique, la maîtrise des budgets, sont autant d’enjeux auxquels doivent faire face les directions d’audit interne pour mener à bien leur plan d’audit…dans les conditions de coûts,…
  • Flash Report

    November 15, 2022
    Last Friday at the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (more commonly referred to as COP27), in Egypt, United States President Joe Biden asserted that global warming posed an existential threat to the planet and promised his country would meet its targets for fighting it. In his speech, he said, “The climate crisis is about human security,…
  • Survey

    January 3, 2023
    Key findings from an Oxford-Protiviti Survey, Executive Outlook on the Future of ESG, 2032 and Beyond:Oxford-Protiviti executive survey with a 10-year outlook finds North American leaders less worried about environmental risk and ESG regulation, and less open to change.Executives in Europe and Asia-Pacific (APAC) perceive the stakes as higher and expect more change externally and within their…
  • Flash Report

    February 23, 2022
    On February 21, after months of building up forces close to Ukraine’s borders, Vladimir Putin recognised the Luhansk and Donetsk regions of Ukraine as “independent people’s republics.” He ordered the Russian Defense Ministry to deploy troops in those regions to “maintain the peace.” These actions commenced on the anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Crimea almost eight years to the day. The…