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  • Podcast

    April 26, 2023
    One of the most significant decisions a CFO faces is selecting the right technology or tool to help them run the finance organisation and deliver expected results and value for the business. But technology selection is only the first step. There also is implementation, a just as important stage that can make or break the success of the technology and its effectiveness in the eyes of stakeholders…
  • Whitepaper

    October 5, 2020
    An emerging trend among private equity firms is their growing attention to the remediation, monitoring and reporting of cybersecurity capabilities of the companies in their portfolios. Historically, they have not fully appreciated the varying degrees of cybersecurity risk relative to a company’s specific industry. And understandably, the emphasis on investing in promising businesses and improving…
  • Podcast

    August 13, 2022
    ESG is a driving theme and priority for most organisations around the world today. And like any other key initiative within these organisations, whether it be global expansion or launching new product lines, there must be a plan and strategy for ESG programmes and activities. They cannot be approached as a side project. In this episode of Board Perspectives, we speak with Protiviti’s Ellen…
  • Podcast Transcript

    August 13, 2022
    ESG is a driving theme and priority for most organizations around the world today. And like any other key initiative within these organizations, whether it be global expansion or launching new product lines, there must be a plan and strategy for ESG programs and activities. cannot be approached as a side project. In this episode of Board Perspectives, we speak with Protiviti's Ellen Holder and…
  • Blogs

    February 22, 2021
    Big changes are coming to how the insurance industry recognises and reports out financial performance. But the effects won’t be felt just in the accounting department. IFRS 17, Insurance Contracts, and its U.S. companion, accounting standard ASU 2018-12, Targeted Improvements to the Accounting for Long-Duration Contracts, are intended to add clarity for investors in the wake of events and…
  • Video

    August 3, 2023
    Amanda Downs, Managing Director, explains that to drive better investments in technology, leaders should consider the benefits and risks. Business leaders want easy, intuitive and engaging applications, but are held back by technical debt. Discover how strategically investing in digitising applications and creating new applications can serve customers while transforming your organisation.
  • Survey

    August 12, 2020
    Exploring the Next Generation of Internal Auditing In recent years, mammoth waves of disruption have both buffeted and ignited organisations in their drive to change and stay relevant. Not surprisingly, internal audit functions have seen the effects. It’s now time for internal audit leaders and their teams to take the initiative, stand up and ride their own wave of transformation and innovation…
  • Podcast Transcript

    December 7, 2021
    Cybersecurity continues to be a critical area of concern for organisations and virtually any leader you ask – board members, CIOs, CFOs, and many more. But as elevated as those risks are today, the real threat may be just around the corner, particularly concerning cryptocurrency. Crypto has been viewed as highly secure, but the rapid emergence of quantum computing, which is set to deliver…
  • Newsletter

    April 17, 2020
    The discussion below is a more complete coverage, including examples, of the topic addressed in Issue 127 of Board Perspectives: Risk Oversight and on NACD/BoardTalk. The global COVID-19 pandemic is a different experience from other catastrophic events like the September 11, 2001 attacks and the 2007-2008 global financial crisis. It is spawning new thinking in all quarters, especially in…
  • Podcast

    January 10, 2024
    2024 will be a milestone year for post-quantum cryptography, with NIST getting ready to release its new standards. We can expect proof-of-concept business use cases for quantum computing to become more common as machine fidelity and performance continue to improve. What should boards consider regarding PQC and other aspects of the quantum industry this year? Join Host Konstantinos Karagiannis for…