Infographic: Finance Trends for Retail and Consumer Packaged Goods

Finance leaders in the retail and consumer packaged goods (CPG) industries plan to continue to address major priorities created by the e-commerce boom, market disruptions and the growing expectations around social accountability. According to the results of Protiviti’s latest Global Finance Trends Survey, the finance leaders identified these among their top priorities: security and privacy of data; enhanced data analytics; process improvement - process and data analytics; challenges with regulators, and global mobility. Cloud-based applications that support finance and environmental, social and governance (ESG) metrics and measurement are also listed among the most pressing issues for this group over the next 12 months.

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Infographic: Finance Trends for Retail and Consumer Packaged Goods



Carol Raimo
Carol Raimo is Protiviti's Global Consumer Products and Services Industry Lead and has over 36 years of consulting experience. She is responsible for setting the strategy to provide industry-specific solutions to clients as they transform their business. Strategic areas ...