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  • Blog
    January 4, 2023
    I love to learn new words. Whether or not CFOs are familiar with this term, they undoubtedly know its connotation and are dealing with its effects every day. Permacrisis — named by the UK-based Collins English Dictionary as the 2022 word of the year — is defined as “an extended period of instability and insecurity, especially one resulting from a series of catastrophic events.” In essence, it’s a…
  • Blog
    January 11, 2023
    As senior leadership teams evaluate their diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) strategies and objectives for 2023, they might consider the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This fundamental physics principle states that the entropy of an isolated system increases over time. This concept also applies to DEIB programs that fail to become institutionalized despite being launched with great…
  • Blog
    January 12, 2023
    Findings from our latest Global Finance Trends survey reveal that environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy and reporting are taking center stage as a top priority of CFOs today. Case in point: In 75% of organizations, the finance team has taken on ESG risks and issues as part of its role. With their unique blend of financial management fundamentals, risk intelligence and access to…
  • Podcast
    February 8, 2023
    Will quantum computers be able to crack RSA this decade? Maybe. But figuring out that exact date is not what you and your organization should be worried about. A memorandum issued by the White House reveals when the quantum computing apocalypse will begin as far as information security boots on the ground are concerned. Join Host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a deep dive into the NSM-10 memo and…
  • Podcast Transcript
    February 7, 2023
    Quantum computing requires quantum networking to reach its full potential. But there are engineering challenges to overcome. Learn about how repeaters that extend entanglement between qubits are really just application-specific quantum computers of their own. Also, learn how connecting these devices will pave the way for interconnect and other advances. Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a…
  • Blog
    July 23, 2021
    Enterprise resource planning (ERP) can prove to be a tough nut to crack for many manufacturing and distribution (M&D) clients. Keeping up with the challenges facing the industry in a soon-to-be post-pandemic world can cause even the most seasoned manufacturing leader to wonder how to effectively deal with the major issues facing his or her enterprise.   While we see our M…
  • Podcast Transcript
    February 7, 2023
    An 85-year-old idea may hold the key to nearly error-free qubits. The Majorana fermion has taken on almost mythical status, but Microsoft recently solved a critical technical hurdle to creating topological qubits with the particle. How close are we to quantum computers with this technology? What other future developments can we expect from Azure Quantum? Join host Konstantinos Karagiannis for a…
  • Podcast Transcript
    March 10, 2023
    As NISQ-era quantum computing improves, we’re on the cusp of practical advantage within a couple of years. But some companies want to see impressive performance today. That’s where quantum-inspired solutions can provide up to triple the power, all on classical hardware. Learning quantum-inspired programming could even help coders migrate to real quantum computers in the future. Could these…
  • Podcast Transcript
    March 16, 2023
    Boeing is all about connecting the world and soaring to new heights in every sense of the phrase. Nestled inside this giant is a large team dedicated to using quantum computing and sensing to ensure innovation in aeronautics, ranging from materials science to navigation and other use cases. Join Host Konstantinos Karagiannis for an uplifting chat with Jay Lowell from Boeing.
  • Blog
    March 26, 2021
    Join us to get started on your Financial Transformation Journey. Register for one or all five! Register now for one or all five! According to Protiviti’s 2020 Global Finance Trends Survey, the office of the CFO is crucial to driving digital transformation. Financial planning/analysis, strategic planning, profitability reporting, and data security and privacy are highly ranked finance priorities…