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  • Blog
    November 20, 2023
    The SEC’s disclosure-related charges against software company SolarWinds and its CISO are a game-changer. Why it matters: The enforcement action signals that the SEC espouses a broader view of accountability, one that extends beyond the certifying officers — namely, the CEO and CFO — to the rest of the C-suite and other senior leaders possessing and providing information and insights affecting…
  • Blog
    September 28, 2022
    Extremely contentious global political environments, the power and ease of use of social media, and heightened attention to the customer and employee experience are forcing executives to choose sides on issues.Many organizations have historically avoided taking stands on social issues, either because they didn’t view doing so as their place or because of fear of blowback. Increasingly, though,…
  • Blog
    June 9, 2016
    What are Repository Roles? Repository roles are roles that are created as development artifacts within the SAP HANA system. They start as design-time objects and become runtime objects upon activation. They can be utilized within a security model just like database roles. However, they offer numerous advantages over catalog or database roles. Why Should I Use Repository Roles? The definition…
  • Blog
    October 3, 2022
    DEI can be viewed as part of a company’s core ESG strategy, as an enabler of objectives related to all three pillars—environmental, social and governance.In the future of ESG reporting, I believe there will be specific standards set. This will help us set specifications and indexes that consider macroeconomic factors and industry best practices, and companies can then work to achieve and surpass…
  • Blog
    October 13, 2022
    In just five years’ time we’ve seen an exponential increase in terms of sustainable finance, and it really is becoming more mainstream.Accounting doesn't drive the agenda, of course, but think about if we get required accounting standards [on ESG]. That doesn't guarantee anything, but it really has the potential to move the needle; it creates consistency, standardization, accuracy and ultimately…
  • Blog
    October 18, 2022
    4:20 - I think about ESG as a true risk metric, and organizations today are already involved in risk metrics, but this is a very important one because it impacts not just their organization and their customers and their direct employees, for example. It affects other organizations, the tax base and communities, the small businesses. We see this domino effect because we live in this networked…
  • Blog
    October 19, 2022
    9:15 - But it’s like anything else, there’s a pendulum swing. We’re seeing a huge focus on ESG, and now we’re seeing some pushback on that, on doing good, and what that means, and what does that mean from an investing perspective, and should these portfolios focus on doing good or should they focus on profit? I think you can focus on both.17:01 - We say that businesses should be hiring these…
  • Blog
    November 19, 2022
    Water scarcity and drought, climate change, land degradation and biodiversity loss are key drivers of current and future global crises. We must act on all these interconnected crises concurrently.The world has a choice. Either we continue with the current nature-destructive path and lose up to half of the global GDP by 2050, or we take a sustainable land management approach, which gives us the…
  • Blog
    January 10, 2023
    The metaverse promises to improve, perhaps even revolutionize, higher education by making it more immersive, engaging, interactive and interconnected. And the opportunity applies to corporate talent development as well.The metaverse is on demand and cost-effective. At a time when many universities are reeling from rising costs and reduced enrollments, the metaverse offers new options that will…
  • Blog
    January 17, 2023
    As CEO of the Mekong Club, I often hear about human trafficking cases that start with online encounters on the internet. And I have no doubt that predators will be able to do this—and worse—in the metaverse.Our goal is to acquire a seat at the table early to help develop safety and privacy standards and to work with the designers and developers to prevent the seeping of real-world problems—racism…