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  • Blog
    February 11, 2016
    First things first, what is data quality and why should I care? Data quality is crucial to operational and transactional processes and to the reliability of business analytics and business intelligence reporting. You can’t make good decisions with bad data. Data quality is essentially ensuring that all of your data coming in and all of your loaded data is of high quality. Well, what is “high…
  • Blog
    September 29, 2021
    6:05 – There’s no magic bullet: “but a combination of driverless cars, smart roads that can size up the situation immediately and delivery systems that are automatic and artificially intelligent. The combination of all these factors will make cities much more livable in the future.14:55 – Artificial intelligence will be everywhere in the future: “In 2050, we’ll have fusion power, that is energy…
  • Blog
    October 2, 2021
    4:55 – The Artemis Accord: “It has this idea that we’ll work together in space in peace and have heritage locations on the moons. It’s quite magical and lovely to think about.” 6:45 – Asteroids R Us: The first trillionaires are going to be people working in space. It’s incredibly expensive to work up there but the financial payoffs are also big.”11:55 – Cities in Space: “It’s such a fascinating…
  • Blog
    October 2, 2021
    6:30 – The AV club: “A full integration of autonomous vehicles is probably more than a decade away, but when it comes it will have a drastic effect on how cities function. Nothing is going to change the design and use of a city more than the autonomous vehicle. I just think the integration is going to be messy."13:20 – From a branding perspective: “An NBA team gave us sort of a superficial level…
  • Blog
    April 15, 2022
    7:35 - I think there was a time when, as the digital business expanded massively and quickly here and abroad, [people thought] stores were a thing of the past. And I think, clearly, the pendulum has swung back in the other direction.10:48 - I think, looking 10 or 20 years out, we need to be able to allow our customers a very fluid relationship with us. In other words, they want to move in and out…
  • Blog
    April 20, 2022
    9:05 - Data is amazing but be careful, because people don’t know what they don’t know. So, one of our clients had a ton of survey data for us and almost all of it said that their employees wanted to come in two days a week. As we started doing user group meetings, we heard overwhelmingly that almost no one planned on coming in two days a week.15:25 - We’ve seen a huge increase in building more…
  • Blog
    June 15, 2022
    5:03 – You don’t have to compromise your returns in order to do well in the world, and to do the right thing by society and your community, and to align your investment objectives to do well with your personal objectives to do good.7:02 – Boomers have kids now who are 35 and 40 years old who really care about these things and are articulate about it, vocal about it, in a way that boomers may not…
  • Blog
    June 24, 2022
    Client needs are largely focused on reporting: CFOs and chief audit executives are looking to understand how they can respond, accurately and timely, to evolving stakeholder and regulator demands for ESG disclosures.Harness the power and interest of your people. Our professionals are very engaged in this, with literally hundreds having worked on the development of our framework and training.…
  • Blog
    June 28, 2022
    All other things being equal, I believe that the firms that take appropriate action across the full spectrum of ESG will be valued higher than companies that do not.We’ve financed — and will continue financing — billions of dollars in green energy projects through green loans and bonds, sustainability-linked products and other financing constructions.ING is working with sectors responsible for…
  • Blog
    June 29, 2022
    5:00 - In 2024 there’s an Indonesian presidential election and we’re hoping that over the next two years we can raise awareness enough that during one of the debates, during one of the policy positions that the candidates have, air pollution is brought up as something that is important for them as part of their candidacy, and that would be a really big win for the country because up until this…