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  • Blog
    May 18, 2021
    The cities of the future begin with finding solutions for the problems of today. When envisioning the cities of the future, startups and policy makers need to remember the most important factor: quality of life.There is an opportunity to make the right decisions and implement smart and sustainable urban solutions by using technologies that make cities smarter, livable and lovable.
  • Blog
    December 16, 2015
    Part 3 - SAP Information Steward Metadata Management and Metapedia Part 1 in our series on Data Governance defined the concept of Data Governance and gave suggestions on how to go about implementing an initial program at a corporate level. Part 2 provided an overview of how SAP Information Steward can help you get started with a Data Governance program and detailed the Data Insight module of the…
  • Blog
    August 28, 2021
    Known as the “The Gig,” Chatanooga boasts the fastest connection speeds in the United States, attracting startups and gig workers from as far away as San Francisco and New York.Some of the most creative ideas to reinvigorate cities and make them more sustainable are emerging from Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.Nearly 30% of the time people spent driving in downtown areas was to look for a…
  • Blog
    September 9, 2021
    Wall Street’s success: The financial services sector’s resiliency has been a big key to maintaining New York’s revenue and financial stability. Government has a big role to play, but so does the business community, as do the nonprofit sector and labor—all big employment sectors in the city. It's in everyone’s shared interest to continue to be invested in the city’s future.If New York is to…
  • Blog
    September 16, 2021
    Flying taxis will be in the U.S. by 2028. Asia and Europe are far along on this; the UK is currently building its first “verti port” (vertical port) and Germany is going to roll one out next year. The U.S. isn't far behind.There are some big tech companies developing “digital twin” technology, and the conventional wisdom is that by 2025, lots of communities will be working with digital twins.The…
  • Blog
    September 22, 2021
    The MRT is poised to become the “backbone” of Jakarta, changing the city landscape as we know it.The landscape of mobility is changing—with nearly every resident within 500 meters of public transit—and sustainability are core to the city’s long-term strategy for 2030.When all is said and done, Jakarta will transform into a modern city, the cultural and economic center of the country—and not…
  • Blog
    September 27, 2021
    U.S. cities are getting bigger, and the pandemic has not affected that trend, at least for now. Non-coastal cities are rising along with “superstar” cities like Seattle, San Francisco and New York.The “central business district” is increasingly transforming into a central culture, entertainment and recreation district—a key to attracting urban dwellers who are otherwise able to work from home.The…
  • Blog
    September 27, 2021
    3:28 – We are at an inflection point where: “Cities are becoming the focus of the human experience. The good news is that we have the technology to meet our needs, and the challenges are big but certainly the opportunities are sizable, too."4:40 – Economic shifts in the aftermath of COVID: “What does the tax based for a city look like. Is the way they’ve been gathering revenue and spending money…
  • Blog
    September 28, 2021
    3:50 – Connectivity will be key: “I think we’re really starting to see the end of the office as we know it. In place of that we’re going to see more people permanently working from home. So, the question then becomes: how can you have the same experience at home that you would in the office? It’s happening now but by 2030, it will be a major trend."10:05 – Infrastructure and the internet as a…
  • Blog
    September 28, 2021
    4:12 – The impact of optimization: “The big three with quantum computing are optimization, machine learning and simulation. All three of these will apply to cities in the future, and the one that will have the most immediate impact is optimization.” 5:40 – Smart cities on steroids: “To me, a smart city is not really a smart city unless it has perfect efficiency and that’s what quantum can…