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  • Blog
    November 19, 2022
    Water scarcity and drought, climate change, land degradation and biodiversity loss are key drivers of current and future global crises. We must act on all these interconnected crises concurrently.The world has a choice. Either we continue with the current nature-destructive path and lose up to half of the global GDP by 2050, or we take a sustainable land management approach, which gives us the…
  • Blog
    January 10, 2023
    The metaverse promises to improve, perhaps even revolutionize, higher education by making it more immersive, engaging, interactive and interconnected. And the opportunity applies to corporate talent development as well.The metaverse is on demand and cost-effective. At a time when many universities are reeling from rising costs and reduced enrollments, the metaverse offers new options that will…
  • Blog
    January 17, 2023
    As CEO of the Mekong Club, I often hear about human trafficking cases that start with online encounters on the internet. And I have no doubt that predators will be able to do this—and worse—in the metaverse.Our goal is to acquire a seat at the table early to help develop safety and privacy standards and to work with the designers and developers to prevent the seeping of real-world problems—racism…
  • Blog
    January 24, 2023
    11:11 - I think any industry that thinks they’re free from being affected by the metaverse is going to be naive in their thinking. I do think that the B2C type of industries are going to land up looking at this first because, again, it’s “Where does their target audience hang out?”13:17 - I think there is opportunity in the corporate space and if you have a look — I mentioned J.P. Morgan, so FSI…
  • Blog
    January 23, 2023
    The primary way people will experience the metaverse in the short term will still be through 2D apps. The real metaverse, which will bridge the physical and digital realms using real-time 3D software, will probably take decades to become a reality.In immersive worlds, new technologies will siphon up data at an increasingly granular level, a person’s gait, eye movements, emotions and more, putting…
  • Blog
    January 26, 2023
    The dollar value of metaverse-related business opportunities is quantified in trillions, and some jaw-dropping use cases have appeared across a diverse collection of industries, including manufacturing, sports and entertainment, healthcare, the military, retail and fashion.New metaverse threats — like invisible-avatar eavesdropping and the cloning of voice and facial features via avatars — will…
  • Blog
    June 30, 2016
    The ability to attract and retain a loyal employee base and understand root causes for employee disengagement and disloyalty are key strategic objectives for every organization - big or small. If you want to improve employee productivity and/or decrease the cost associated with attracting and retaining employees, you need to move along the analytics maturity curve and start leveraging People…
  • Blog
    February 1, 2023
    4:54 - Kids massively value their digital identity there. $1 billion plus is spent per year on this for kids buying kind of fashion items and this sort of thing. Over half of all U.S. kids play Roblox every week.15:24 - I think if you really want to get ahead, spending some time if you can to understand the technology and how it works at a basic level is really important.20:47 - I do think the…
  • Blog
    February 10, 2023
    1:26 - One of the things that can go wrong is not that the metaverse doesn’t happen, but the various for-profit initiatives and endeavors mean that where it is established, it’s limited and therefore… it’s perhaps possible that there’s very little commonality for the metaverse.3:20 - Trying to figure out how we progress, how we regulate, how we figure out what the requirements should and shouldn’…
  • Blog
    February 10, 2023
    We’re on a precipice, and I feel like there’s just so much potential change ahead… We view the metaverse as a golden opportunity for women to play a much bigger role in emerging tech.I don’t think it’s out of the realm of possibility that people will live in the metaverse. Or at least, spend the majority of their time in it, especially if they are earning money in the metaverse.I hope the…