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  • Blog
    July 1, 2019
    In the throes of rapid growth, it isn’t always easy to see how the wrong choice of a labor model can put a young business at risk. Startups sometimes take an old-school approach to building the back-office team themselves, resulting in an inflexible and sometimes inadequately skilled staff that could limit the new business’ growth. On the other end of the spectrum, it may be tempting for the…
  • Blog
    July 3, 2019
    Competitive pressures and the inherent desire to disrupt markets through innovation have technology companies moving fast to invest in advanced artificial intelligence (AI). As they do, many of these businesses — industry giants and startups alike — are racing to embrace “ethical AI.” They are acknowledging a need to demonstrate to their stakeholders and the general public that they view…
  • Blog
    July 8, 2019
    According to a press release by the Hong Kong government, Hong Kong is set to receive an overall rating of “Compliant” in what will be its Fourth Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Mutual Evaluation. The Mutual Evaluation Report (MER) is scheduled to be released in September 2019. The expected rating represents a significant improvement over the Partially Compliant rating assigned to Hong Kong on…
  • Blog
    July 12, 2019
    A critical mass of factors has led internal audit functions to a watershed moment: They must disrupt or be disrupted. At Protiviti, we refer to the innovation and transformation internal audit functions must pursue as next-generation internal audit. These efforts — already underway in a growing number of companies — vary. But they share an agile, holistic approach centering on new directions for…
  • Blog
    July 15, 2019
    With a December 31st deadline looming for SEC reporting financial institutions under the Financial Accounting Standards Board's (FASB) new Accounting Standard Update (ASU) on Current Expected Credit Loss (CECL), institutions are in various stages of finalizing their models and model documentation, performing model validation and testing, performing parallel runs and updating processes and…
  • Blog
    July 16, 2019
    Like many organizations today, energy and utilities companies are trying to understand advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and identify practical use cases for the technology that will benefit the business and its customers. And like their counterparts in other industries, many of these firms are running short on time - not only to get out of the starting gate with AI but to move their AI…
  • Blog
    July 17, 2019
    Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are revolutionizing business in what is being called “the Cognitive Age.” Protiviti recently teamed with ESI ThoughtLab to survey more than 450 organizations around the globe about ways this technology is currently being applied, and how that is likely to change over the next two years. One of the key finding of the survey was that the…
  • Blog
    July 19, 2019
    The number of organizations turning to robotic process automation (RPA) for process automation is growing fast. So, too, is the number of RPA leaders looking to expand their use of bots to almost every function in their organization. Despite these trends, and the fact that use cases and tools for building bots are plentiful — consumer products and services companies, including retailers, lag in…
  • Blog
    May 13, 2020
    As businesses face the uncertainties created by the COVID-19 pandemic, many are also shifting their forward-looking strategic objectives and priorities. Meanwhile, employees are in waiting mode, perhaps waiting for business to resume more or less as it was before the crisis. But the post-pandemic reality will likely be very different. Businesses may find, for example, that their trading…
  • Blog
    May 13, 2020
    The insurance industry has received substantial help in its pushback against various legislative and legal efforts seeking to compel insurers to cover business interruption (BI) claims stemming from COVID-19, including in cases where policy language may exclude coverage for pandemics or lack of physical damage. In a letter to lawmakers, the U.S. Treasury indicated it opposes the seemingly…