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  • Solution and Industry
    Protiviti supports traditional and advanced analytic workflows with managed services for daily activity, deployment monitoring, and enterprise analytics implementation. We provide a strong support process and leverage client-specific operating procedures and documentation.Our managed services provide higher business efficiency, improved cost management and a pathway to top subject matter experts…
  • Solution and Industry
    We focus on aligning Master Data Management (MDM) solutions with your business goals and vision. We understand that a single version of the truth for key data domains is critical to drive business growth, but how to accomplish that can vary. Our teams will work with you to implement a solution that meets your organization's unique environment, while leveraging both general data and industry…
  • Today’s leaders recognize their supply chain functions as a strategic operation. Recent disruptions shifted leaders’ and customer expectations of supply chains. Supply chains had previously not received enough investment to stay competitive and were not linked to strategic goals.  Now, supply chains are expected to mitigate and even predict the disruptions we’ve seen since Covid.…
  • Solution and Industry
    Technology is an enabler for driving business innovation, market advantage, and improved customer experience. However, not having a clear understanding of threats and the controls needed to mitigate technology risk may cause loss, increased costs, and non-compliance.Our technology risk management services help you develop a robust IT risk management plan as part of your overall operational risk…
  • Solution and Industry
    Supply chains demand flexible, contemporary solutions capable of addressing today’s most complex challenges. From volatile market dynamics to disruptive technologies and ever-changing customer demands, businesses are confronted with numerous obstacles that require innovative strategies to drive value and orchestration across the supply chain.Protiviti’s Supply Chain Innovation Consulting service…
  • Solution and Industry
    Privacy risk is an ongoing challenge for organizations across industries and geographies. New regulations and laws continue to evolve rapidly, making it a challenge for organizations to remain compliant with privacy expectations.Protiviti’s privacy compliance experts identify key risks, address compliance gaps, and provide recommendations and the remediation support necessary to maintain…
  • Solution and Industry
    Today, more than ever before, employees want to work for organizations that put the human experience at the center of all they do. Organizations that create a differentiated employee experience (EX) will attract, retain, and engage the best industry talent.For employees, it’s not just one factor that determines their experience, but rather a web of multiple factors, including pay, flexibility,…
  • Solution and Industry
    We help you energize your business by supporting your people. HR should not stand alone as a function. Rather, it should work across the organization to drive business results, engagement, and innovation. We help organizations build an efficient HR operating model and delivery team where people and technology work as one.Backed by industry expertise, we assist with every stage of the…
  • Solution and Industry
    As many as 1 trillion connected devices will exist by 2025. Everything is connected, from consumer electronics and home appliances to medical devices and industrial equipment. Deploying, securing, and maintaining these connected devices is complex and requires many different capabilities and technologies throughout a single device lifecycle.Protiviti’s end-to-end IoT services address this complex…
  • Solution and Industry
    Organizations are experiencing unprecedented change in the data privacy landscape. Changing state, federal, and global regulations are forcing constant business, technical, and legal operational changes. These changes are not necessarily exclusive of one another and often overlap, resulting in highly complex legal and regulatory scenarios.Moreover, these regulations provide consumers with greater…