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  • Blog
    February 28, 2022
    Genuinely diverse and inclusive environments create better output, more innovation, higher productivity and enhanced problem solving. Ironically, we've probably connected more on the human level with each other in the virtual world the last two years than we did before the pandemic.If you haven’t built diversity into your company, or into the design, or into the team working on it, you will end…
  • Blog
    March 1, 2022
    3:57 - When we’ve put ourselves to the test as we have had to do over the past two years, businesses have been pretty good and very able at coming up with better ways of doing things and doing them quickly.20:32 - If companies continue to think about the challenge in these terms and focus on where people are on given days, I think they’ll overlook a much bigger opportunity and that’s to…
  • Blog
    March 8, 2022
    4:25 - Instead of thinking of AI as a threat, if we just changed our mindset and thought of it as our little assistant then we would have a much better perspective on it. We would actually then feel empowered instead of threatened.13:45 - Technology has a bad side and we have to keep an eye on it. We have to make sure that any AI that helps in the workplace is not manipulative, is not biased and…
  • Blog
    March 9, 2022
    The pandemic has shown organizational leaders what is possible, while also offering them the rare opportunity to ask what else is possible.The office of the future will be designed and managed for the care and feeding of the corporate culture.Organizational leaders should start thinking about and investing in upskilling programs now to get employees proficient in automation, AI and quantum…
  • Blog
    March 9, 2022
    A staggering 88% of global business executives say AI will be key for a “radical transformation” of their company over the next decade.Surprisingly, despite the current environment, 84% of executives believe employee loyalty will increase over the next decade—a number that reaches 95% among North American leaders.Globally, 70% of business leaders expect their companies will be embracing a hybrid…
  • Blog
    March 16, 2022
    5:25 - The key word for the next decade is going to be adaptability, the “ability to change fast and to react fast.” And the culture of the future that I imagine is a culture founded on principles, on values, but also, at the same time, to be able to quickly move and quickly adapt and incorporate new ways of doing business and new ways of thinking.13:55 - Collaboration is in short supply in the…
  • Blog
    March 8, 2022
    The pandemic has shown organizational leaders what is possible, while also offering them the rare opportunity to ask what else is possible.The office of the future will be designed and managed for the care and feeding of the corporate culture.Organizational leaders should start thinking about and investing in upskilling programs now to get employees proficient in automation, AI and quantum…
  • Blog
    March 22, 2016
    In Part 1 of this blog series, I discussed Information Views and provided some tips on how to use them more effectively. In this part, I will be discussing two design strategies and the pros and cons of each. We’ll look at two methodologies: A “real-time centric” design will excel at operational reporting, but performance may be a challenge with increasing data volumes and significant…
  • Blog
    March 16, 2022
    4:05 – I think it’s a very exciting time to really redesign for what is the ultimate environment for high performance for the work that we do now, the folks that we have and for the things that they want. And will there, as a result of that, be migration and change? Sure.14:40 - The career equation says this: First of all, everyone wants to work in an area of strength. We all want to play to our…
  • Blog
    March 23, 2022
    The University of Pretoria recently launched its Centre for the Future of Work to research the emerging world of work as various megatrends sweep across the world.In an ever-changing information society, acquiring the habit of lifelong learning is not only desirable in the pursuit of knowledge, but is also necessary for career survival.We have a responsibility to ensure that the youth of this…