Results for “Finance Trends Survey”

  • Podcast
    August 17, 2023
    Tonya Hummers, Managing Director at Protiviti, speaks with Sarah Olthoff, Senior Vice President and Chief Business Risk Officer at Discover Financial Services. Watch the podcast as Tonya and Sarah discuss resiliency and adaptability as key traits for succeeding in the face of challenges, the evolving nature of work environments and shifts towards hybrid models to support flexible schedules in the…
  • Blog
    February 17, 2021
    Having worked with different clients throughout the years, across industries and varying sizes, we notice there are many thematic “hot topics” and concerns that come in waves. Much of this has to do with evolving audit requirements, increased regulatory compliance and ensuring there is accountability, transparency, and effective risk management practices throughout organizations.   As many…
  • Podcast
    August 20, 2020
    It’s time for internal audit leaders and professionals to stand up and ride their own wave of transformation and innovation. But the results of the latest Next-Generation Internal Audit survey from Protiviti show that much progress still needs to be made in growing competency levels and next-generation auditing methodologies, in advancing innovation and transformation initiatives, and in…
  • News
    January 9, 2023
  • Newsletter
    December 11, 2020
    Emerging risks are newly developing risks that cannot yet be fully assessed but could, in the future, affect the viability of an organization’s strategy and business model. A risk-savvy culture sometimes needs an informal adhocracy to identify emerging risks in a timely manner. While every organization has a risk assessment process, we often hear that the process as it exists now is too static…
  • Client Story
    March 17, 2021
    The impending retirements of two key executives would constitute a significant disruption for any enterprise. It’s even more disruptive when the business’s legacy customer relationship management (CRM) system was home-built by the departing CIO, and other legacy systems split customer data into separate collections. Under such circumstances, a few agile interventions might be called for. As with…
  • NABA provides a platform for Black professionals to get engaged, inspired, and empowered to excel. NABA engages, empowers, and educates Black Business Leaders and institutions by providing a platform to enhance skills and elevate voices.To see how Protiviti engages with partners like NABA read our DEI JourneyFor more information about this partner visit
  • Newsletter
    March 25, 2020
    For several years, Protiviti has described the “future auditor” as a chief audit executive (CAE) who takes definitive steps toward making The Institute of Internal Auditors’ vision of “an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity that adds value and improves an organization’s operations” a reality. Several issues of The Bulletin have been devoted to describing various aspects of…