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  • Blog
    April 18, 2023
    Industry 4.0, also referred to as the fourth industrial revolution, is a convergence of technologies that promises remarkable outcomes, including better use of resources, less nonproductive time and lower overall operating costs. It includes wide networks of connected devices via the Internet of Things (IoT) that capture data to sense, predict and interact with the physical world and help make…
  • Blog
    April 18, 2023
    Access to artificial intelligence (AI) and the drive for adoption by organizations is more prevalent now than it’s ever been, yet many companies are struggling with how to manage data and the overall process. As companies open this “pandora’s box” of new capabilities, they must be prepared to manage data inputs and outputs in secure ways or risk allowing their private data to be consumed in…
  • Blog
    November 17, 2020
    Despite the upheaval of COVID-19, the future is not what it used to be. What used to be predictable can now be expected to come with caveats, assumptions and speculations. Regardless, what is important is how we respond now. With the general availability of SAP Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC) 11.1 released last year and other existing BPC versions, it is the perfect time for SAP…
  • Blog
    April 11, 2023
    Senior leaders focused on cybersecurity recognize there is considerable guidance, best practices, frameworks, regulations and varied opinions on how programs should design defensive capabilities. In addition, depending on the day, the various pressures in the organization’s macro-environment may be greater or lesser and invite different priorities for time, team and budget. Despite these various…
  • Blog
    April 12, 2023
    Some of the toughest conversations CIOs will have within their organizations are likely to be about the benefits of adopting every emerging technology that’s caught business leaders’ attention versus the potential investments to be made in transforming legacy systems. As companies across all industries look to accelerate efforts to achieve their business transformation goals, a considerable…
  • Blog
    April 4, 2023
    Each year, healthcare payers spend untold hours correcting errant claims, draining critical resources that could be used more profitably elsewhere. While payer organizations may be conducting reviews and employing payment integrity vendors to solve pieces of the problem, many are still falling short, as improper payments in the aggregate have not significantly improved over time. In fiscal year…
  • Blog
    April 14, 2023
    Today’s business leaders face a barrage of challenges, including economic turmoil, quiet quitting, inflationary pressures, supply chain issues and increasingly complex business models. But across the globe, boards of directors and executives rank workforce challenges, including attracting and retaining talent, rising labor costs, inadequate skill sets and the impact of workforce expectations on…
  • Survey
    April 6, 2023
    From automation and cloud to ESG and talent management, CFOs are reimagining their long-term roles. These are among the key takeaways from the results of Protiviti’s latest Global Finance Trends Survey. Download Infographic
  • Blog
    January 7, 2021
    Like all businesses, wholesale and distribution organizations found themselves trying to manage sudden and extreme disruptions to their operations in 2020, due to the impact of COVID-19. For many, supply chains faltered as domestic and international vendors shut down just as demand was ratcheting up, particularly for consumer goods. The challenging environment forced wholesale and distribution…
  • Blog
    April 5, 2023
    Innovation is the name of the game in today’s global market. Recognizing this new reality, CIOs, CTOs, CISOs and other technology executives and leaders are exploring new ways to fuel innovation throughout their organizations. However, there are many roadblocks on this path, per findings from Protiviti's 2023 Global Technology Executive Survey. For this survey of technology executives worldwide…