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  • Blog
    October 3, 2017
    The risk management methodologies in play for most companies today were developed before the turn of the century. In effect, risk management is often an analog approach being applied in what is now a digital world. More importantly, if enterprise risk management (ERM) is a standalone process, it is suboptimal. More needs to be done to elevate risk management to help organizations face the dynamic…
  • Blog
    October 6, 2017
    This week at the InsureTech Connect 2017 conference in Las Vegas, Protiviti Managing Director Adam Hamm served as a panelist in a session on calculating cyber risk. In this podcast, Adam shares some of the insights and key takeaways from the session. [audio mp3=""][/audio]
  • Blog
    October 10, 2017
    As organizations look for workable ways to accommodate an increasingly mobile work force with remote access to email via internet and personal devices, hackers are using weaknesses in two of the most common email programs to breach internal networks. A large portion of companies are vulnerable to this attack, which exploits weaknesses in Microsoft Exchange and Outlook Web Access (OWA) and is…
  • Blog
    October 11, 2017
    A common mistake that companies make when pursuing digital transformation is viewing the process as a collection of technology projects, and not a business strategy that is shaped and driven by senior management and the board. They become so focused on the technological aspects of this massive change effort that they overlook the “people factor,” which is critical to their success in becoming a…
  • Blog
    October 17, 2017
    To say that the Equifax breach has been thoroughly covered by the media may be an understatement. Pick a medium – TV, YouTube, LinkedIn, news websites, social media – it’s been covered upside, rightside, and backwards. With such voluminous coverage, what have we learned that can guide us towards more secure, capable and mature technology environments? I venture that the areas of greatest…
  • Blog
    October 19, 2017
    Digital technologies are enabling new products and service channels, responding to changing customer demands, as well as driving efficiencies and creating competitive advantages. It is, therefore, essential that the second line functions of risk, compliance and security become enablers of innovation and are seen as empowering and guiding, rather than as roadblocks to be overcome or avoided.…
  • Blog
    October 20, 2017
    Properly implementing a fully integrated and comprehensive sales, inventory and operations planning (SIOP) process can deliver value that spans demand, supply and product management, while simultaneously driving financial discipline. Many are familiar with the traditional sales and operations planning (S&OP) process. The more advanced approach, however, is integrated business planning, which…
  • Blog
    October 24, 2017
    The big data revolution transforming industries worldwide is bearing fruit as companies improve their understanding and analysis of their information to increase efficiency, reduce costs, predict outcomes and enhance customer satisfaction. The utility industry, however, continues to be one of the laggards in the race to harness big data. In light of the prolonged sluggish demand for power, there…
  • Blog
    October 26, 2017
    The January 1, 2018 implementation date for new accounting rules on revenue recognition is just around the corner, and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) has been issuing guidance to help companies prepare. The latest PCAOB Practice Alert, issued earlier this month, addresses areas to which organizations need to pay particular attention. The alert is aimed at external auditors…
  • Blog
    November 2, 2017
    When it comes to cybersecurity oversight and management, many functions outside of IT and information security (IS) need to play a role – this includes internal audit and risk and compliance functions. These parties need to adopt an approach to managing cyber risk that involves all three lines of defence. While it may be a cliché to say they must treat cybersecurity as a business risk and not…