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  • Blog
    May 2, 2019
    As legislative sessions came to a close around the United States late last month, a number of proposed state laws around privacy currently in flight failed to move out of their house of origination in Nevada, New York, New Mexico and Hawaii. This effectively ends their entry into the 2019 legislative session, with just a miniscule chance for being reintroduced by mechanical measures such as a…
  • Blog
    May 20, 2019
    It’s no secret that Oracle Cloud is quickly making its mark on the cloud application landscape. Over the last several years, Oracle’s cloud footprint has expanded tremendously.  In doing so, more and more companies are beginning to understand the complexities of Oracle Cloud application security and how it can either help or hinder compliance goals. For many organizations, risks related to…
  • Blog
    November 30, 2018
    With enterprises focusing on big data, mobility and cloud while managing cybersecurity risks that could exploit internal vulnerabilities that allow access to sensitive data, organizations have been on high alert about how to manage this risk effectively. Protiviti  recently held a webinar highlighting new features in SAP’s latest governance module, GRC 12, and Cloud Identity Access…
  • Blog
    January 14, 2019
    "Major cyber security breaches have become routine as organizations rely increasingly on vulnerable technologies and third-party providers" – Protiviti’s 2018 Security Threat Report Organizations always ask us the same three things: Can we really prevent a breach? Can we detect a breach? Are we currently breached?  Staying ahead of each of these three scenarios requires an organization to…
  • Blog
    January 17, 2019
    Like many new technologies, robotic process automation (RPA) is disrupting traditional solutions and introducing different risks related to its use. Bots act differently from other traditional software and services because they leverage the same interfaces as a human user, but they are inherently not human. A bot’s access needs to be managed and there are several factors to consider. Bots bring…
  • Blog
    February 12, 2019
    The implementation of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2018 drove a ripple effect around the world as organizations were forced to take a close look at their processes to protect personal data of their global customers. Of course, obtaining an individual’s consent to use their personal data has always been important, but the GDPR requirements tightened the…
  • Blog
    February 14, 2019
    In January each year, many of us (myself included) typically take time to reflect on the year that was, and the things we want to improve upon in the coming 12 months. Like many, I made some 2019 resolutions that will help me in both my personal and professional life. I’ve often wondered, if we can make personal and professional resolutions to improve ourselves, can we also make resolutions to…
  • Blog
    February 25, 2019
    This is the first in a series of blogs about security in the SAP BI Platform. The SAP BI Platform comes with a set of five default access levels: View Schedule View on Demand Full Control (owner) Full Control However, there are many situations where these either give too much access or not enough for a given situation. While it is possible to use an access level to assign security…
  • Blog
    February 26, 2019
    Developing an organizational culture that recognizes and respects the value of using data to drive business is a concept most clients hope to embrace. Great in theory but in reality, most companies are spread across the success spectrum, with few finding just the right mix of factors enabling them to accomplish amazing things. National Vision, a long-time Protiviti client, is widely recognized…
  • Blog
    February 28, 2019
    Integrated Services Digital Networks (ISDN) and Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTN) are no longer the primary transmission path for basic voice or telephone signaling. In fact, according to statistics within a 2018 report released by the Federal Communication Commission (FCC), the use of Voice over IP (VoIP) solutions has dominated the US market since 2016. Due to this changing technology…