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  • Blog
    September 7, 2022
    One of the first questions an organization seeks to answer in risk management is, “What are our most critical risks?” The answer to this question lays the foundation for management to respond with appropriate capabilities for managing these risks. So, what are the risks currently facing your organization? Every year, Protiviti (in partnership with North Carolina State University’s ERM initiative…
  • Blog
    September 8, 2022
    Like many companies undergoing a digital transformation, Protiviti’s experts recently assisted a national financial services company struggling with error-prone financial planning and analysis (FP&A) processes. These processes were mostly rooted in Excel, focused on allocations and reporting, and had received limited investment in innovative technology compared with profit-generating…
  • Blog
    September 13, 2022
    The “endless aisle” concept isn’t new, but it’s definitely the future for many supply chain operators. This retail strategy enables customers at a physical store to virtually browse and order any products that are either out of stock or not sold in-store and have them shipped to the store or their home. A fulfillment center or another nearby retail location that has the item in stock fills their…
  • Blog
    October 29, 2018
    Security in a Multicloud Environment Multicloud strategies are often adopted with benefits such as enhanced reliability, access to vendor-specific solutions and the ability to avoid vendor lock-in in mind. These anticipated benefits of engaging with multiple cloud providers also create challenges in scaling and maintaining security and compliance across diverse environments. Three of the most…
  • Blog
    September 14, 2022
    An SAP BW/4HANA migration is a significant investment for any organization. With several migration options available, selecting the right one will reduce project risk, streamline the timeline and can even eliminate long-standing technical debt. This client case study frames the considerations that led to a successful methodology selection and upgrade. Our client had a mission-critical environment…
  • Blog
    September 19, 2022
    In eight short years, the eighth-graders graduating this spring will be the newest hires joining our workplaces. Right now, we are facing the greatest talent struggle of our lifetime, but we are not taking the necessary measures to prevent a similar crisis down the road. Technology infuses every business function, but it’s changing fast. Artificial intelligence might be the technology of the…
  • Blog
    September 20, 2022
    Over the last five years, organizations have been increasing their security spend, while the average time to detect a breach has increased. Similarly, in working with organizations, our teams have not found any correlation between increased maturity of cybersecurity programs with deeper adoption of leading cybersecurity frameworks and the time it took to breach an organization. Today, 90% of…
  • Blog
    September 22, 2022
    In this two-part blog (see Part 1 here), we discuss how to support customers’ enterprise data warehouse through DWC. In today’s business environment, many companies are seeking to realize the benefits of moving to the cloud. As SAP customers seek to bring on-premises technologies to the cloud, one of the existing enterprise data warehouses, SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW), often comes into…
  • Blog
    September 26, 2022
    For probably the umpteenth time, we use the term 'garbage in, garbage out' when we summarize problems with data quality. It has indeed become a cliché. Various industry studies have uncovered the high cost of bad data, and it's estimated that poor data quality costs organizations an average of $12 million yearly. Data teams waste 40% of their time troubleshooting data downtime, even at mature…
  • Blog
    September 27, 2022
    Any organization that uses hardware and software, which means every corporation, today is facing an increasing risk to its cyber supply chain — and it is only going to get worse before it gets better. The SolarWinds attack in 2020 highlighted the cyber supply chain vulnerability as it was the first attack that had both a regional and global impact. Since then, bad actors have found success…