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  • Blog
    September 3, 2019
    Oracle Cloud continues to be a hot topic as companies are drawn to the benefits that come with a Cloud ERP environment, including a reduced burden on infrastructure management. However, in terms of functionality, Cloud is still playing catch-up to the existing features of its on-premise E-Business Suite (EBS) counterpart. As such, Oracle releases quarterly Cloud updates comprised of new…
  • Blog
    September 4, 2019
    Microservices architecture is not one size fits all. While it can bring advantages in the areas of agility, scalability and resilience, it is vital for application leaders to know about the tradeoffs and costs that it can also bring. There are varying levels of service granularity that application leaders can chose from to ensure their firms and teams can fully realize benefits and advantages in…
  • Blog
    November 6, 2019
    Project Cortex, a new cloud service from Microsoft, was just introduced to attendees at the 2019 Microsoft Ignite conference. In January, Protiviti will host a webinar reviewing Project Cortex’s features and functionalities. Registration will be available soon, but in the meantime, let me introduce you to some of the most compelling features of this new solution. Project Cortex Overview Project…
  • Blog
    November 7, 2019
    In getting ready for an SAP S/4HANA implementation, it’s all about the data. When organizations start the journey to SAP’s “Intelligent Enterprise” by embarking on their S/4HANA implementations, data readiness is a foundational element. We like to say there are four steps to an S/4HANA data lifecycle, starting with the all-important first step: understanding the current data environment. In a…
  • Blog
    November 14, 2019
    In today’s digital world, the need for organizations to align cloud capabilities with business requirements grows every day. While cloud provides dynamic flexibility and scale, it requires organizations to maximize information security to protect their brand reputation from unplanned service disruptions. A lack of governance also significantly increases the risk of data vulnerability. Some of the…
  • Blog
    November 18, 2019
    Nearly every day, we talk with clients who are working hard to update their systems and processes around consumer data privacy in order to comply with the specifics set forth by both the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). We see a good bit of confusion and indecision around how organizations can best manage requests and what…
  • Blog
    October 15, 2019
    Overview Service accounts, frequently used with applications, systems and web services, are a critical component to operations of information technology. The ever-evolving threat landscape for service accounts has changed the way organizations must protect them. This post describes the fundamentals of service accounts, the risks they pose and the challenge for management. What are service…
  • Blog
    October 17, 2019
    The California Attorney General (AG) has issued the Proposed Text of Regulations for implementing the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA) along with an Initial Statement of Reasons.  Governor Gavin Newsom has signed the amendments to the CCPA.  A short synopsis of the released draft regulations is below. What is included in the Proposed Text of Regulations and the Initial…
  • Blog
    October 18, 2019
    By 2021, more than 75 percent of midsize and large organizations will have adopted a multi-cloud and/or hybrid IT strategy. This infographic details the risks that can happen when moving to cloud and the key steps organizations should take to minimize risk and optimize value.
  • Blog
    October 21, 2019
    It’s a rarely-talked-about adage in business that deserves more attention: procurement pays! Time and again, statistics show a strong correlation between a well-defined procurement process and healthy corporate performance. Regardless of industry, strong procurement functions result in higher revenues and reduced procurement process costs. Which is why it’s important to ensure your procurement…