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  • Blog
    June 29, 2022
    5:00 - In 2024 there’s an Indonesian presidential election and we’re hoping that over the next two years we can raise awareness enough that during one of the debates, during one of the policy positions that the candidates have, air pollution is brought up as something that is important for them as part of their candidacy, and that would be a really big win for the country because up until this…
  • Blog
    April 13, 2016
    End-to-End Security for Your SAP Environment From designing and configuring your SAP application security to implementing SAP BI and HANA security, our Webinar Series gives you tips, tricks and best practices from our top SAP experts. Join us on Thursdays @ 2:00 pm Eastern beginning April 21st. This series gives you real life examples on how to properly secure and manage your SAP landscape.…
  • Blog
    July 5, 2022
    13:00 - We really have to think more broadly about the problem, how you solve not just for each individual company the Scope 1 and Scope 2, but how do you solve for value chains? What’s required to facilitate that flow of data through the value chain so that each value chain has the most effective understanding of their footprint, not just immediately upstream and downstream but all the way…
  • Blog
    July 5, 2022
    My advice to senior leaders: Stay focused on the end goal and don’t get too caught up in the ratings, rankings and reporting. We are hopeful that business leaders will stay focused on setting big, bold, ambitious goals and then figuring out the best ways to achieve them.Honestly, I don't think that corporate ESG initiatives will get us all the way there. We’re going to need an integrated approach…
  • Blog
    July 6, 2022
    7:50 - In the next few years, there’s going to be a lot of dynamism in how Scope 3 is going to be solved. The good news is that we are much better off now than we were a few months or a few years ago. There are a lot of companies who have convinced their supply chain that they need to share the data. We are seeing a lot more folks along the supply chain willing to commit to the data because they…
  • Blog
    July 8, 2022
    ESG has evolved from a “should do” to a “must do” as companies recognize it is essential to surviving in the marketplace.The environmental piece is top of mind for most, and climate change remains the burning platform that drives much of the agenda. But social, and its ability to win hearts and minds, and governance, which holds critical reporting, are both gaining steam.The sharpening focus on…
  • Blog
    July 12, 2022
    There are many ESG challenges facing Africa, but business has stepped up in recent years to help lead the way on change.The African Development Bank is just finishing up its 10-year strategy (2013-2022) on achieving sustainable development that includes mainstreaming environmental stability in operations and championing climate-resilient and low-carbon development.Being agile and flexible will be…
  • Blog
    July 22, 2022
    2:09 - There’s a tendency for organizations to address too many sustainability topics that may or may not be relevant to their core business. Most organizations still think in terms of what, how and why. Good leaders will put the why first, hence the purpose statement. Building a culture of sustainability means embedding sustainability into a core business strategy.12:32 - It’s really important…
  • Blog
    August 10, 2022
    4:23 - The most fundamental shift in the last 10 years has been large-scale acceptance of the idea in the investment community that sustainability factors impact risk and return, and that in order for a company to succeed over the long term, that company needs to manage sustainability factors effectively.13:01 - Investors value industry-based standards — they’re cost-effective for companies — but…
  • Blog
    August 12, 2022
    Whether we are talking about the public sector or the private sector, ESG should be the foundational principle in everything we do. We have just one planet.We are trying to correct the past; we are trying to meet the challenges of today, and we are trying to build the future all at the same time. We have big challenges in Africa, but we believe we have bigger solutions.My dream for the future is…