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  • Blog
    March 20, 2020
    As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt business activity across the globe, organizations are reacting to unexpected challenges and adopting new business practices to align with social distancing, school closures and other public health measures. While the long-term impacts of these changes are unclear, the rapid shift to remote employee working arrangements has emerged as a major trend…
  • Blog
    March 24, 2020
    Among the UK supervisory authorities’ proposals and expectations for building operational resilience, the rules on “impact tolerance” have generated substantial debate and confusion. Mostly, the discussion has centered around how firms would go about quantifying that point in time when the viability of their important business services and processes is irrevocably threatened by a disruptive event…
  • Blog
    March 26, 2020
    CECL is on the verge of being deferred. Late yesterday, the Senate passed its $2.2 trillion stimulus package. The final bill indicates that no insured depository institution, bank holding company, or any affiliate thereof shall be required to comply with the Current Expected Credit Loss (CECL) standard during the national emergency, until as long as December 31, 2020. We expect the Senate…
  • Blog
    March 30, 2020
    As with millions of other people around the globe, I am sheltering in place. Until last Thursday, my plan for the weekend was to immerse myself in a novel from the never-ending list of “books I intend to read.”  But, on Thursday, I and several of my Protiviti colleagues received an invitation from the Alliance for Innovative Regulation (AIR) to participate in a hackathon to save small…
  • Blog
    March 31, 2020
    It goes without saying that COVID-19 has disrupted the world in a manner not seen before in our lifetimes and has required everyone to make adjustments to their personal and work routines.  In response to the outbreak, bank regulatory agencies in the U.S. have encouraged financial institutions to be flexible and work constructively with customers impacted by these events. In return, the…
  • Blog
    April 1, 2020
    The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has brought major disruptions worldwide, with further impacts yet to be felt. For many businesses, operations are curtailed or dramatically shifted, and supply chains are disrupted. New regulatory and operating guidance is issued daily, with a fair amount of it impacting financial accounting and reporting. For example, the SEC just issued an announcement…
  • Blog
    April 2, 2020
    The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act that was signed into law last Friday offers a lifeline to small businesses and sole proprietors (generally those with 500 or fewer employees) in the form of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) administered by the Small Business Administration (SBA). This program authorizes $350 billion in forgivable loans, based on the size of their…
  • Blog
    April 6, 2020
    Imagine a scenario whereby your livelihood is upended by the COVID-19 pandemic. You are a retail store clerk, a flight attendant, a bartender, an owner of a “non-essential” small business, a sales representative, or any of the 10 million people who have recently filed for first-time unemployment since mid-March 2020.  You have a mortgage and call your mortgage company to work out a temporary…
  • Blog
    April 7, 2020
    As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to threaten the health of the nation, the preventive measures required to control its spread have imposed equal challenges to the health of the economy. The closing of non-essential businesses and requirements to shelter in place have cost many Americans their jobs and their ability to meet their financial obligations. The CARES Act, which was signed into law…
  • Blog
    April 8, 2020
    Companies have talked for years about operational disruption and business continuity management (BCM), but few have contemplated an event like the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses today find themselves facing an “extreme but plausible” event that previously could only be considered in theory. Protiviti has been monitoring the pandemic response of companies around the globe. We held a webinar last…