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  • Blog
    March 22, 2016
    Protiviti, in partnership with North Carolina State University's ERM Initiative, has just published the results of its fourth annual global survey of board members and C-suite executives about the top risks organizations will face over the next 12 months. We'll be covering many of these issues in greater detail in future blog posts. For now, you can check out our video and infographic here. And…
  • Blog
    March 24, 2016
    In risk management, like driving, the safest way forward is to keep your eyes on the road ahead. Every now and again, however, it’s a good idea to check your mirrors. That’s the premise behind the latest issue of PreView, Protiviti’s ongoing series on emerging risks. In our first ever “look-back” edition, we revisit some of the risks we’ve highlighted since we initiated the series in early 2014.…
  • Blog
    April 5, 2016
    It has been a few months since the release of Protiviti's  5th Annual IT Audit Benchmarking Survey (conducted jointly with ISACA) – documenting the top tech challenges of executives and IT professionals around the world. We covered the highlights in a webinar and a blog post back in December. We’ve said a lot on the topic, online and offline, but what’s needed is a dialogue. To…
  • Blog
    April 11, 2016
    Las Vegas tourism promoters used to promise, “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.” It’s much harder to make such a claim these days, when even the most benign shenanigans are only a smartphone video away from global critique. Corporations are being held accountable, as well - not only by regulators, but by citizen journalists, activists, whistleblowers and customers, empowered by social media…
  • Blog
    April 15, 2016
    If you’re preparing to take your company public, you surely know you have a lot of new reporting and legal requirements to meet, and that your organization will require a number of changes. You may also know that you will need help in this process, or at least some good guidance. The latest edition of Protiviti’s Guide to Public Company Transformation: Frequently Asked Questions, released last…
  • Blog
    April 21, 2016
    Since the release of our 2016 Internal Audit Capabilities and Needs Survey last month, I’ve been going back and looking at the results, which also include some insightful 10-year trends. We will get back to these in another post; instead, I prefer to focus here on one aspect of the results – the growing need for cybersecurity skills and resources. Cybersecurity risk is a growing concern – not…
  • Blog
    April 25, 2016
    A few weeks ago, Protiviti and North Carolina State University’s Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Initiative published Executive Perspectives on Top Risks for 2016, the results of an annual survey. Regulatory changes topped the list of executives’ and directors’ concerns for the fourth consecutive year, followed by economic concerns and worries about cyber threats. Operational risks dominated,…
  • Blog
    April 26, 2016
    Thanks, again, to everyone who tuned in to the live stream of our What’s on the Internal Audit Horizon webinar on March 31. For those of you who missed it, we had a packed agenda covering a wide variety of topics. I’ll hit the highlights, but you’re going to need to watch the archived version of the one-hour webinar to get more detailed information, including best practice summaries and our road…
  • Podcast series
    February 28, 2022
    Guest Speaker: Terry Rudolph – Co-Founder PsiQuantum Quantum compung capabilies are exploding causing disrupon and opportunies, but many technology and business leaders don’t understand the impact this technology will have on their business. Listen to our bi-weekly podcast, The Post-Quantum World, as we discuss hot topics and the business impacts, benefits and threats of this excing new…
  • Blog
    May 2, 2016
    May is International Internal Audit Awareness Month. We are celebrating with a series of blog posts focused on internal audit topics and the daily challenges and future of the internal audit profession.   In the tenth year of our Internal Audit Capabilities and Needs Survey, we believe internal audit has arrived at a tipping point. The issue is no longer whether or not your function is…