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  • Blog
    March 19, 2020
    The use of new technology continues to be a big focus for Protiviti’s SAP Ecosystem solution in 2020. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are poised to help our clients make dramatic shifts in performance, shareholder value and business development over the next several years. The ultimate goal is to eventually get to cognitive automation, where software brings automation to…
  • Blog
    March 20, 2020
    This blog was originally posted on The Protiviti View. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to disrupt business activity across the globe, organizations are reacting to unexpected challenges and adopting new business practices to align with social distancing, school closures and other public health measures. While the long-term impacts of these changes are unclear, the rapid shift to remote…
  • Blog
    March 23, 2020
    The COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on business is far reaching. Today’s post is a follow-up to last week’s blog, “Leading Remote Teams in Times of Uncertainty” and offers additional food for thought on how to manage in these challenging times. You may also be interested in this recent Protiviti blog: “COVID-19: Is Your Business Immunized Against Supply Chain Disruption.”…
  • Blog
    March 24, 2020
    The COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on business is far reaching. Today’s post is a follow-up to yesterday’s blog, “Coronavirus Forces a New Approach to Crisis Management,” and last week’s post, “Leading Remote Teams in Times of Uncertainty,” both offering additional food for thought on how to manage in these challenging times. You may also be interested in these recent Protiviti blogs, “COVID-19…
  • Blog
    April 1, 2020
    Since the California Attorney General (AG) released proposed regulations back in October, and our comprehensive blog in February, keeping up with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) can be a challenge.  The proposed regulations have changed twice, with the first proposed modifications in February and the second set about a month later on March 11. Even though enforcement will not…
  • Blog
    April 1, 2020
    This two-part blog is one of a series of posts we’ve published to help organizations adjust to the new realities of work under COVID-19-related guidelines. You may also be interested in reading Leading Remote Teams in Times of Uncertainty, Coronavirus Forces a New Approach to Crisis Management, Securing Your Organization’s Assets in Times of Crisis and Working Remotely? Microsoft Teams Can Help…
  • Blog
    April 2, 2020
    Today, we continue this detailed look at what corporate IT security teams should be doing to prevent cyberattacks when a majority of the workforce is temporarily working remotely. Part I posted yesterday. Create Two-Step User Access for Administrators Remote administration on systems is a particular area of concern, as these tasks tend to require privileged accounts. When it comes to these types…
  • Blog
    December 4, 2019
    This blog post is also featured on The Protiviti View. Compared to the 2015 version, the updated business continuity management booklet released in November 2019 by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) offers increased clarity, with detailed examples designed to make it easier for financial institutions to comply with its guidance and to help examiners determine whether…
  • Blog
    December 9, 2019
    There are many key steps in completing a successful SAP S/4HANA® journey, including what many call Phase 4: Prepare and Modernize the environment in preparation for the S/4HANA implementation. There are several aspects that need to be considered, including the SAP ECC system or legacy systems, other third-party applications, governance processes and the various strategies to be put in place to…
  • Blog
    December 10, 2019
    Any SAP S/4HANA program that doesn’t prioritize security, controls and compliance into the overall design is never going to yield the return the investment deserves. In today’s digital age, it’s simply not enough to effectively implement enterprise applications to support business operations. Companies are also expected to address cybersecurity, application security, financial and data privacy…