'Times Are A-Changin' — Shifting Risks and Priorities in the Private Equity Landscape

Private Equity Insights - October 2021

From geopolitical, regulatory and policy risks to disruptive technology and cyberattacks to fraud, workplace violence and lawsuits, today’s private equity firms must have embedded capabilities to address threats that vary in scope and severity and are emerging at ever-increasing speed. They must be adept at addressing risks far beyond unpredictable business cycles and volatile markets.

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This issue features exclusive articles (links to content included) on how firms can use an integrated portfolio governance model to assess threats and opportunities; Protiviti’s latest Global Finance Trends Survey, in which finance leaders at private equity-owned organizations identify their top priorities heading into 2022; how a PE-owned healthcare company built a critical revenue recognition infrastructure; and, how environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues are becoming a growing factor in mergers and acquisitions.

Portfolio governance, a differentiator for PE Firms in a dynamic risk environment

Given the uncertainty in the marketplace, an integrated approach to risk management and resilience can support informed decision making throughout the investment lifecycle, including due diligence and strategic planning.

  • Read this blog to learn about using an integrated portfolio governance approach and actions your firm can take now to identify risks and act on opportunities.

Survey: Finance Leaders From Private Equity-Owned Firms Identify Top Priorities

Security and data privacy, enhanced data analytics, process improvements and challenges with regulators are among the major overall priority items identified by private equity-owned organizations heading into 2022.

  • Click here to read about Protiviti’s latest Global Finance Trends Survey and the responses from 800 finance leaders at organizations owned completely or partially by PE firms.

Private equity-owned healthcare company takes on revenue recognition to strengthen its IPO foundation

A PE-owned healthcare company was able to identify the root causes of material excess write-offs and improve the accuracy of revenue recognition. How did the company do it?

  • This client story details the collaborative efforts that led to this successful result.

In Mergers and Acquisitions, ESG Issues Are Becoming a Growing Factor

Before any PE firm’s leadership dives into the possibility of an M&A deal, they should stop and consider the impact of environmental, social and governance factors on due diligence, financing, transaction risk, and shareholders.

  • Click here to learn about mitigating ESG risks  and maximising ESG-related value throughout an M&A deal.

Protiviti Senior Managing Director Bob Hirth and Protiviti Director Jas Jalaf were interviewed by the Los Angeles Business Journal about the current state of private equity.

"ESG is no longer a 'nice to have' consideration, says Hirth, but instead has become essential in order to attract funds into PE firms and ultimately to achieve their desired investment performance."


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Rob Gould
Rob is a Managing Director in the Business Performance Improvement Solution in Protiviti’s Metro New York Region. Rob leads Protiviti’s Global Private Equity Practice and has been providing professional consulting services to corporate clients and their owners for more ...