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  • Whitepaper

    April 23, 2020
    In September 2001, Wired magazine reviewed science writer Steven Johnson's then-new book, Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities and Software. Johnson’s premise: Brilliant adaptations arise out of interconnections and cooperation among individual components of complex systems. He optimistically predicted that we would develop technology tools that have humans “collaborating on a…
  • Survey

    November 17, 2021
    Protiviti’s Guide to U.S. Anti-Money Laundering Requirements, Frequently Asked Questions provides responses to nearly 3,000 questions aggregated from our clients, attorneys, regulators, members of law enforcement, academics and others interested in the requirements and challenges that companies face in addressing the complex and dynamic topics of anti-money laundering/combatting financial…
  • Client Story

    March 13, 2018
    When an eagle-eyed finance executive noticed that his aerospace company’s third-party spend on goods and services had soared, he sought outside experts to help rein it in. The subsequent comprehensive assessment by Protiviti revealed an opportunity for the procurement department to reduce that spending by 10 to 20 percent. Impressed with the precision of Protiviti’s spend diagnostic, the CFO…
  • Whitepaper

    September 16, 2020
    Shrink has long represented a significant challenge for retailers. Unfortunately, during a time of tightening margins and declining sales, the issue shows no signs of withering away. According to the 2020 National Retail Security Survey of the National Retail Federation (NRF), shrink is at an all-time high. In 2019, it accounted for an average rate of 1.62% of inventory, calculated at retail,…
  • Podcast Transcript

    April 5, 2021
    Managing risks and strengthening controls associated with operations have become increasingly more complex for all organizations. Firms are expending significant time, money, and resources to implement required changes and prioritize operational risk management efforts. As costs continue to increase, it is clear that the overly manual, reactive, and siloed status quo is unsustainable. In this…
  • Whitepaper

    May 21, 2020
    At Protiviti, we believe there is tremendous value to be gained in collaborating and learning from each other – more so during these challenging times. Hearing new and alternate perspectives can help us challenge our own points of view, enhance resilience and provide us with the much needed assurance as we taken critical decisions. Over 200 business leaders and financial services…
  • Client Story

    February 28, 2018
    Entertainment resorts combine technology, creativity and commerce at scale to create immersive entertainment environments. The final product takes an enormous amount of work that is largely invisible to visitors. Just as a duck paddles furiously beneath the surface to create the illusion of an effortless glide, it takes concerted effort and innovation for entertainment operators to preserve the…
  • Blogs

    June 1, 2022
    Protiviti’s Agile Risk Management philosophy enables organizations to focus on growth, improve efficiency and become more effective in managing risk while providing greater value to business partners.Effective risk identification and assessment are integral to an organization’s success and improve strategic decision-making. Accurate and timely risk identification and assessment help to drive…
  • Blogs

    June 3, 2022
    While no one knows how long the pandemic will last, we do know that all organisations will experience some economic impact. Quarantines and the shutdown of many companies and local businesses during this crisis have put a large financial strain on almost every organisation in every industry. As we move beyond the immediate need to ensure the health and safety or employees, organisations need to…
  • Client Story

    April 9, 2021
    Data privacy has become a strategic priority as companies adapt to comply with rapidly proliferating data privacy laws. Recent years have seen the adoption of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the more recent California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA), and similar regulations. These safeguards require companies to document the types of protected personal data used in…