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  • Whitepaper

    August 3, 2022
    Introduction Corporate boards and executive leaders are waking up to a new world with the disconcerting realization that they don’t know what they don’t know about their supply chains. This lack of transparency marks a pivotal and pervasive challenge to the board’s strategic oversight and governance of supply chain risks, and it comes with a heavy price tag. A slew of major supply chain…
  • Client Story

    May 12, 2022
    Protiviti created a transparent end-to-end process flow by identifying gaps and providing recommendations for improvement and savings. A data deep dive reviewed elements of sales, markdowns and shrink data and a statistical analyses of shrink, damages and manual markdowns provided a total loss calculation.
  • Podcast Transcript

    August 13, 2022
    ESG is a driving theme and priority for most organizations around the world today. And like any other key initiative within these organizations, whether it be global expansion or launching new product lines, there must be a plan and strategy for ESG programs and activities. cannot be approached as a side project. In this episode of Board Perspectives, we speak with Protiviti's Ellen Holder and…
  • Whitepaper

    June 2, 2022
    Collaborating with internal audit to minimize cost overruns and maximize value Introduction Data analytics has proven to create significant benefits across most industries and organizational functions, including internal audit. In fact, nearly two-thirds of internal audit functions now use data analytics as part of the audit process, according to Protiviti’s 2017 Internal Audit Capabilities and…
  • Flash Report

    April 26, 2024
    Earlier this week, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) voted to ban for-profit U.S. employers from including noncompete clauses in employment contracts, a move that could affect tens of millions of U.S. workers. The rule bans new noncompete clauses for all workers and makes existing noncompete agreements unenforceable except for those covering senior executives—those workers earning more than…
  • Video

    August 3, 2023
    Hear Scott Laliberte, Managing Director, explain the two main aspects of quantum computing, the threat of post-quantum encryption and the promise of performance gain and increased ROI. Become crypto-agile with our quantum computing services and transform your business, avoid being disrupted and enable experimentation with optimization solutions.
  • Client Story

    March 17, 2021
    The impending retirements of two key executives would constitute a significant disruption for any enterprise. It’s even more disruptive when the business’s legacy customer relationship management (CRM) system was home-built by the departing CIO, and other legacy systems split customer data into separate collections. Under such circumstances, a few agile interventions might be called for. As with…
  • Podcast

    March 28, 2023
    The level of uncertainty in today’s global marketplace and the velocity of change continue to produce an array of potential risks that can disrupt an organization’s business model and strategic plan on very short notice. The results of the latest Top Risks Survey from NC State University’s ERM Initiative and Protiviti indicate the business landscape, to no surprise, looks much riskier for 2023…
  • Whitepaper

    August 12, 2021
    Introduction Most technology companies today understand that ensuring data privacy and protection is an imperative for their business; however, few manage this process well or even invest enough resources in that effort. As governments and consumers around the world continue to raise their expectations of how technology businesses should handle and process private and sensitive data, the need to…
  • Client Story

    May 11, 2021
    Businesses the world over are adopting Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to lower costs, increase efficiency and improve operational quality. Some businesses have begun by implementing readily available off-the-shelf RPA technology, only to find coding a few bots is not sufficient to build a sustainable RPA program. Succeeding with RPA — that is, deriving the greatest value from the RPA…