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  • Newsletter

    December 9, 2022
    As in prior years, our suggested 2023 audit committee agenda includes important enterprise, process and technology issues and financial reporting and disclosure issues. In addition to discussing these agenda items, we have offered questions for audit committees to consider when self-assessing their own performance with respect to executing the normal ongoing activities articulated in the…
  • Newsletter

    February 12, 2021
    Concern about the impact of government policies and regulations in response to COVID-19 is the No. 1 risk identified by directors and business executives across many industries. This insight is from our most recent top risk survey. Another survey we conducted last year, focused on technology risks, shows a deepening concern over cybersecurity and privacy issues, as well as regulatory compliance…
  • Whitepaper

    May 28, 2024
    The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), or more formally known as Regulation (EU) 2022/2554, took effect on 16 January 2023, with final industry compliance required by 17 January 2025. The regulation underscores the importance of digital operational resilience in today’s increasingly interconnected and digitized landscape and seeks to expand the reach of European regulators incorporating…
  • Blogs

    June 6, 2022
    IssueJust as companies were starting to believe they had a handle on their internal data management and the governance of structured data, a new technology wave in the form of digitization is sweeping the globe, rendering carefully crafted frameworks obsolete. This digital wave, fueled by massive quantities of unstructured and uncurated data being generated by social media, mobile devices and the…
  • Whitepaper

    May 2, 2023
    The big picture: Protiviti’s inaugural Global Technology Survey shows TMT companies are streamlining operations to save costs while managing a wide range of technology-related risks that could impede their ability to innovate.Go deeper: The survey underscores the need for companies to:Address challenges to innovation such as security and privacy-related risks, changing regulations and widening…
  • Client Story

    September 14, 2023
    Protiviti partnered with leading technology company to assess, redesign, and standardize procurement, accounting, and finance functions. The company’s overall goal was to eliminate manual and disparate back-office processes to create capacity for strategic and growth objectives. 
  • Podcast Transcript

    July 27, 2023
    ChatGPT is the talk of the town today. But as we all know, generative AI is much more than this one tool. Gen AI represents a new frontier of promise, productivity and capabilities for organizations around the world. But it also comes with risks that these organizations must understand and manage if they’re going to capitalize successfully on these new technologies.In this episode, we talk all…
  • Podcast

    July 28, 2023
    ChatGPT is the talk of the town today. But as we all know, generative AI is much more than this one tool. Gen AI represents a new frontier of promise, productivity and capabilities for organizations around the world. But it also comes with risks that these organizations must understand and manage if they’re going to capitalize successfully on these new technologies.In this episode, we talk all…
  • Whitepaper

    July 22, 2022
    Issue Financial institutions have invested significant time, money and resources into developing and maintaining anti-money laundering (AML) compliance programs. One key enabler of an AML compliance program is the software used to review customers, analyze transactions to identify suspicious activities, and provide analytical and research capabilities to support the filing, or non-filing, of…
  • Newsletter

    September 28, 2022
    “Outsourcing and other third-party relationships can bring multiple benefits to FIs, including: enhanced operational resilience; faster and more tailored financial products and services; cost reduction; greater innovation; and improved internal processes. However, outsourcing and third-party relationships can give rise to new or different risks to FIs and potentially to financial stability that…