Board Perspectives Library

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  • 166
    August 10, 2023
    With technology clearly a material driver of change, boards of larger companies are trending toward a more strategic focus on technology. Should your board be a part of that trend?Why it matters: The board community has been acknowledging the speed of disruptive innovation, largely driven by emerging technologies.Yes, but: There are also…
  • 165
    July 13, 2023
    The big picture: The metaverse has the potential to be a disruptive, expansive and transformative force, even to the point of spawning its own economy. Every board has a fiduciary duty to evaluate that potential for its company’s future. By the numbers: According to a survey of 250 global business leaders, the metaverse has the potential to…
  • 164
    June 7, 2023
    The big picture: Innovative culture, speed to market, customer focus and organizational agility are mainstays in boardroom conversations about innovation. However, these discussions should also address technological roadblocks to realizing innovation initiatives.By the numbers: To understand how IT organizations are ushering legacy…
  • 163
    May 11, 2023
    The increasing complexity of the legal and regulatory landscape is challenging the board’s fiduciary duties. Emerging trends ushering in a call for fairness and transparency should be of paramount importance to directors. Boardroom agendas cover an array of topics but no matter the issue, there are important underpinnings to board oversight and…
  • 162
    April 13, 2023
    As a term in business, “agile” is typically used to refer to a project management methodology, especially for software development. But there is a different, more strategic connotation of agility that merits close attention by boards as markets evolve.A global survey reports resistance to change as a top 10 risk looking out both 12 months and 10…
  • 161
    March 9, 2023
    Today’s unprecedented pace of disruptive innovation in the market and conflicting demands of multiple stakeholders are creating relentless pressure on the CEO. Is the board contributing to the CEO’s performance and ability to function? So, what should board members do to fulfill their responsibilities to shareholders as they assist the CEO in…
  • 160
    February 8, 2023
    The ERM Initiative of NC State University and Protiviti conducted a global survey of 1,304 senior executives and directors during September/October.
  • 159
    January 12, 2023
    Global survey of C-level executives and directors on macroeconomic, strategic and operational risks in 2023 highlights the impact of the economy, people and culture issues, supply chain risks, and technology impacts.
  • 158
    December 15, 2022
    Global research indicates that companies in North America are less committed to environmental, social and governance (ESG) engagement than those in Europe and Asia-Pacific. What steps should boards seeking to improve their ESG engagement take? 
  • 157
    November 17, 2022
    Worldwide, there is awareness that environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations will prove to be essential drivers and components of profitability and sustainable business over the next 10 years. The reality is, however, that the level of engagement with ESG — as an integral component of business strategy — is significantly higher…

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