Kickstart your AI Strategy

Accelerate your AI journey with three key steps

What can you do with AI that moves you into the future, responsibly? All AI initiatives start with vision- and value-aligned use cases that meaningfully advance your organization.

We start by asking this question to our clients to identify discrete use cases that engage your key audiences, leverage AI technical capabilities and serve to advance organizational AI objectives. We help you discover (or uncover) inspiring, achievable use cases to rally behind and ultimately bring to life through an actionable road map.

The benefits of getting started with a coordinated strategy for AI are endless— and it is imperative to take these first three steps to successfully drive transformation through AI.

  • Identify
  • Prioritize
  • Act

Achieve a better understanding of use case complexity, risk profile and feasibility and prioritize use cases to pilot and execute. By developing a successful AI Strategy, you’ll have an AI council driving the vision, purpose and operating model framework that enables you to propel innovation, employ sustainable governance and gain a competitive edge in the market.

Get Started with our AI Readiness Assessment

Jumpstart your AI journey. Let’s set up a 30-minute discussion and learn more about how we can help you accelerate your AI initiatives with use cases most relevant and best-aligned to your organization.

Talk through AI readiness with one of our AI Strategy experts today.

According to IDC’s 2023 Business Value of AI Survey...

companies invest in AI, they are realizing an average of $3.5 in return

of organizations had implementation times of less than 6 months

is the average length of time (post-deployment) it takes organizations to realize a return on their AI investments

Source: IDC Business Value of AI Survey, September 2023 The Business Opportunity of AI (

Our 3-Step Approach to AI Strategy

Post the readiness assessment call, let us help you develop an AI strategy that drives value, efficiencies and a competitive advantage.


Leverage design thinking techniques to identify opportunities for AI, utilize our industry use case catalog to articulate opportunities and develop an actionable inventory of ideas for AI to drive meaningful value within your organization.



Utilize our AI prioritization framework to filter your use case inventory and establish value levers, technical complexity and feasibility within current data and systems infrastructure. Evaluate organizational readiness for an actionable sequence roadmap.



Build and integrate a functional prototype for a prioritized use case in your environment using our rapid prototype methodology. Connect to enterprise data and demonstrate the power of AI executing in your environment, aligned to your core use case.


Your Deliverables

Our three-step AI Strategy process enables you to drive transformation, organizational change and execute on AI ideas and action plans. We work with you to provide:

  • Co-Creation Workshops to Identify Meaningful Use Cases
  • Key technical and functional components needed to support use cases
  • Prioritization matrix and recommendations for initial pilots/ prototypes of use cases
  • High-level 12-month AI Action Plan
  • AI Council Vision and Purpose Statement
  • Initial AI Governance Framework
  • Initial Prototype Implementation Plan 

How we help organizations achieve real value from AI

This national bank was facing challenges in effectively assigning its relationship managers to optimize service, balance resource workloads and maximize revenue. They were looking to improve how data was used to help their relationship managers become more responsive to customers, by grouping customer household and organizational relationships. This required an innovative data-grouping solution to handle account complexities without negatively impacting customers. To achieve this, we developed a graph data structure and algorithms in the Microsoft Azure environment, which reduced daily data processing time by nearly 96% and automated more than 90% of client relationship management assignments.

A luxury apparel company was falling behind in keeping up with the customer feedback they were receiving and needed to understand this feedback at scale. We developed a proprietary AI-ML tool to analyze customer feedback and examined 100,000+ Instagram chats in seconds sent by the customers, providing key information such as issue category and sentiment. Using the insights from the analysis, the client enhanced critical processes and improved inventory planning to ensure proper delivery, reduced costs and more personalized services for customers.

With the EPA’s recently announced Good Neighbor Plan in mind, this client needed a quick, reliable air pollution reduction strategy, but had to sift through massive amounts of data to create this plan, rebuild, upgrade and retrofit its machinery to lower emissions. To quickly analyze all equipment and machinery to comply with the new regulations, we leveraged the Microsoft Azure AI portfolio to create an intelligent information retrieval system and to host the company’s engineer-facing platform. The solution will generate millions of dollars and hundreds of hours in productivity gains as the client avoided the need to hire 100 engineers to meet the EPA deadline and the need to manually sift through terabytes of data.

A large medical therapy company struggled to retrieve key information from multilingual and multi-format documents in a timely fashion. Protiviti was engaged to implement an AI-enabled automation solution to retrieve information such as diagnoses, medications, medical conditions, genetic mutations and associated dates from a variety of digital documents such as physician notes and lab reports. Due to the highly sensitive nature of the information analyzed, we developed fully on-premise (but cloud-ready) algorithms to extract key information and normalize complex medical terms at scale, resulting in a 10x faster data extraction.

A major pharmacy struggled in the early stages of COVID vaccination availability to understand where and when vaccines would be needed. The client engaged Protiviti to quickly enable them to predict demand and optimize destination for vaccination shipments. We delivered an AI-ML model that predicted, with over 90% accuracy, demand projection for long-term care facilities in Illinois and Wisconsin. Due to the timely nature of these predictions and vaccine sensitivity, this engagement was done on a tight timeline and has been so successful that the same model delivers daily predictions to the CDC even now.

A global manufacturer was experiencing material impact on transportation costs, specifically ocean freight. Increased ocean freight costs were a multi-million dollar impact, and the team had little ability to anticipate freight cost adjustments and experienced significant volatility. Our team delivered an AI-ML solution that predicted ocean freight costs by unique origin port to unique destination port on a monthly basis, enabling our client to plan their supply chain accordingly. The solution accounted for unforeseen trends and seasonality providing a dynamic solution to enable better business decisions.

Why Protiviti’s AI Strategy Development:

We help you identify the most relevant use cases for your organization by evaluating commonalities, determining what technical capabilities are necessary to pilot and assessing maturity to prioritize the building of functional pilots.
We keep risk and governance in mind from the outset as we speed up AI adoption, implementation and optimize its use throughout your organization. We help you align governance practices with selected use cases to make informed decisions regarding your use of AI and development of an efficient governance framework.
Learn and use our proven rapid prototyping methodology to expedite the time between ideation and building. We help you take ideas further, faster and work smarter to accelerate the implementation of functional prototypes.
Our subject matter experts, experienced across industry and AI use cases, provide the knowledge to build an AI council and cross-functional teams, educated on AI, and empowered to drive the ideation, purpose and governing framework that facilitates innovation.

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