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  • Survey
    October 27, 2020
    The Payments Services Act (PSA) has now been in force for several years, and many firms have received their licences, while others are still in the process of obtaining them. Whether already licensed or still awaiting in-principle or final approval, the challenges for firms are the mandatory obligations under the the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s (MAS) Payment Services Act with which they…
  • Newsletter
    January 8, 2021
    Emerging risks are newly developing risks that cannot yet be fully assessed but could, in the future, affect the viability of an organisation’s strategy and business model. A risk-savvy culture sometimes needs an informal adhocracy to identify emerging risks in a timely manner. When the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) published its Report of the NACD Blue Ribbon…
  • Blogs
    May 3, 2021
    In today’s rapidly evolving business world, the lines between technology and business have blurred. Organisations need to modernise and transform their technology in order to successfully compete. CIOs play a critical role in transforming the world of work using automation and technology – but they can’t do it alone. Collaboration among the C-suite is critical. In this blog series, Protiviti’s…
  • Blogs
    May 13, 2021
    In today’s rapidly evolving business world, the lines between technology and business have blurred. Organisations need to modernise and transform their technology in order to successfully compete. CIOs play a critical role in transforming the world of work using automation and technology – but they can’t do it alone. Collaboration among the C-suite is critical. In this blog series, Protiviti’s…
  • Blogs
    May 13, 2021
    The amount of new cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities that organisations respond to grows every day. In many cases Zero Trust Networks (ZTN) are better equipped to tackle these challenges than traditional perimeter-based networks. Further, Zero Trust principles are becoming a critical part of the overall corporate strategy…
  • Blogs
    May 19, 2021
    As companies embark on digital transformation and continuous improvement initiatives, procurement is increasingly considered one of the pillars of that transformation. More than just a necessary back-office operation, procurement plays a critical part in a company’s overall financial strategy, and improvements in that area can cascade across the procure-to-pay (P2P) cycle all the way to the…
  • Blogs
    May 20, 2021
    One of the most important lessons healthcare companies learned during the COVID-19 pandemic is that they need to implement and maintain better strategies, processes and procedures to enable resiliency and recovery. As they seek to mature their business continuity plans (BCPs)/continuity of operations plans (COOPs), not only to satisfy recently increased regulatory scrutiny by the Centers for…
  • Blogs
    June 17, 2021
    Several years ago, we invited board members to speak candidly about presentations from company executives. Those free-flowing conversation more than lived up to what was billed as a “Don’t Bore the Board” panel discussion. The panel members’ engaging insights remain instructive to CISOs today as security leaders strive to hone their increasingly important board presentation approaches. One…
  • Blogs
    July 16, 2021
    In a culture of abundance, scarcity is often equated with adversity. But abundance can be a burden as well, leaving otherwise healthy companies unprepared to deal with extended periods of lack of resources. The global COVID-19 pandemic provided a wake-up call for many organisations in developed economies as they found themselves scrambling to adapt to resource constraints that are a way of life…
  • Blogs
    August 5, 2021
    The COVID-19 pandemic. A new administration in the U.S. with, so far, a markedly different tone than the previous one. The MeToo and Black Lives Matter movements. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting. It would be easy to attribute the emergence of human capital reporting requirement by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to a wave of accountability demands in a…