Private equity-owned companies weigh impact of pandemic risks, economic conditions, labor issues and more on growth plans
When it comes to issues with that are threatening growth plans in 2022 and beyond, government policies designed to curb COVID-19, operational resilience, succession challenges, labor costs and inflation are identified as the top risk issues that companies owned by private…
Complex revenue arrangements, multiple services and a plethora of payment options create a tangled web for healthcare companies — a web they must untangle to properly account for revenue, especially if they are part of a portfolio or considering a public offering on their own. Adding pressure to complexity, today’s regulatory environment continues to place greater compliance requirements —…
As 2024 begins, the economy and markets are showing some encouraging signs, with inflation stabilizing and interest rates poised to remain where they are or even start to come down in the coming year. Private equity leaders are hopeful this leads to a more active IPO and M&A cycle this year.
After decades of globalisation shaping the world order, businesses are now forced to accept a new reality. Organisations are increasingly focused on mitigating risks from non-linear, disruptive events stemming from bleeding-edge innovation, political uncertainty, new and emerging technologies, and geopolitical tensions and potential conflicts.
In this issue of Private Equity Insights, we offer guidance on how private equity can leverage procurement to unlock value and drive performance improvements. We also look at the growing role of AI in finance and how the board can sharpen its focus on M&A due diligence. Other topics include the board’s role in talent management and the results of our latest VISION survey on the future of…
We are approaching the last quarter of a challenging 2022, and as many of us dive into our strategy and business planning for 2023, the coming year looks to be more of the same. Inflationary trends, supply chain challenges, access to talent and skills, security and privacy issues, and working capital management are among the many challenges that private equity firms and their portfolio companies…
In this issue of Private Equity Insights, we discuss our latest Global Finance Trends Survey results. CFOs and finance leaders around the world rated their top finance priorities. Our intent is for PE firms to use this intelligence to design and deploy new practices, tools and innovative approaches in their own finance organisation. We next take a look at financial planning & analysis (FP…
FinOps provides organisations with a strategic framework for optimising cloud costs while fueling growth initiatives. By adopting FinOps principles and practices, private equity firms can align cloud spending with growth and margin objectives, set tangible spend goals and maximise ROI and drive operational efficiency.
Concern about the impact of government policies and regulations in response to COVID-19 is the No. 1 risk identified by directors and business executives across many industries. This insight is from our most recent top risk survey. Another survey we conducted last year, focused on technology risks, shows a deepening concern over cybersecurity and privacy issues, as well as regulatory compliance…
In this issue of Private Equity Insights, we take a deep dive into the top risk issues facing companies owned by private equity (PE) in 2022 and over the next 10 years. These insights were obtained from our 10th annual survey of top risks by Protiviti and NC State University’s ERM Initiative.Of the global boards of directors and executives surveyed, respondents from PE-owned company…