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  • Whitepaper

    October 6, 2021
    Cloud is on the rise in financial services and regulators are taking note. The widespread use of cloud service providers (CSPs) in the financial services industry continues to grow. According to a recent study by the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), 91% of financial services organisations are actively using cloud services today or plan to employ them within six to nine months. That is double the…
  • Podcast

    August 17, 2023
    Tonya Hummers, Managing Director at Protiviti, speaks with Sarah Olthoff, Senior Vice President and Chief Business Risk Officer at Discover Financial Services.Watch the podcast as Tonya and Sarah discuss resiliency and adaptability as key traits for succeeding in the face of challenges, the evolving nature of work environments and shifts towards hybrid models to support flexible schedules in the…
  • Newsletter

    November 14, 2021
    In the third decade of the 21st century, smart companies and boards across all industries recognise that the pace of technological change continues to unfold at warp speed. The question in the boardroom a decade ago — “Should we invest in digital transformation?” — has transitioned to a different question today: “How much should we invest and, more important, how fast should we invest, given our…
  • Blogs

    June 30, 2023
    When leaders consider how technology has enabled transformation of business models over the past several years, few would disagree that the world has changed dramatically. Retail, entertainment, music and banking have largely moved online. It’s a familiar story: Netflix beat Blockbuster; Amazon beat Borders. More recently, Tesla has transformed the experience of buying, owning and driving a car.
  • Whitepaper

    August 16, 2018
    Across major industries, robotic process automation, or RPA, is being used as part of an organisation’s digital transformation strategy to automate burdensome, high-volume and time-consuming business processes. Best suited for rule-based transactional and repetitive tasks involving structured and/or semi-structured data, logic-driven robots, or “bots,” are used to capture and interpret…
  • Podcast

    April 5, 2022
    “It's the end of the work as we know it, and I feel fine.” Our colleague Joe Kornik, Editor-in-Chief of VISION by Protiviti (, wrote this in his latest feature article. This is true, but there also are many questions around the future of work, how we're going to balance work schedules, when and how frequently we’ll go into the office, how we’ll leverage new and…
  • Infographic

    May 2, 2023
    Talent sourcing and technology skilling headline concerns among insurance industry executives and boards in the face of rising labor costs and an increasingly competitive landscape. Strategic priorities include upskilling and reskilling employees as the need to acquire talent that can support digital transformation becomes more critical.
  • Whitepaper

    December 9, 2022
    With digital transformation remaining a top priority for organisations across industries, business and IT leaders around the world continue to work toward optimising their value extraction of cloud-based technologies and infrastructure. While the myriad operational benefits may be well known, many businesses are learning that cloud optimisation is a process of maturation that occurs over time.…
  • Blogs

    March 8, 2024
    We often hear our clients ask what steps to take to develop a Software as a Service (SaaS) strategy for IT environments. Both the CIO and business owners recognise the benefits of SaaS solutions, which are readily available and often focused on a particular business need. SaaS products are becoming more popular, and usage is expected to grow at a double-digit rate in the coming years, driven by…
  • Survey

    December 20, 2023
    The economy, talent and cyber threats drive concerns for manufacturing and distribution leaders beyond supply chainIn an ever-evolving and rapidly changing business landscape for manufacturing and distribution organisations, executives and boards are challenged to navigate myriad risks, particularly as their businesses continue to play catch-up on numerous fronts in areas such as innovation and…