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  • Podcast

    March 31, 2020
    This is a series of podcasts on GRC programmes and technologies, obtaining perspectives from Protiviti leaders and subject-matter experts around the world on GRC drivers, innovations and challenges in their markets. This episode features conversation with Protiviti Managing Director Scott Bolderson and Associate Director Nicolas Perna. Scott is a leader within our business performance…
  • Newsletter

    November 16, 2020
    With the sudden onset of a worldwide pandemic, companies have had to accelerate their efforts to transform themselves digitally. How can boards and their companies best leverage digital transformation to compete and thrive in a brave new world? At a recent NACD Master Class programme for active directors, one session contrasted the expected churn in the S&P 500 today versus 50 years ago.* …
  • Podcast Transcript

    April 1, 2020
    This is the latest in our series of podcasts on GRC programmes and technologies in which we’re obtaining perspectives from Protiviti leaders and subject-matter experts around the world on GRC drivers, innovations and challenges in their markets. This episode features conversation with Shubhendu Mukherjee. Shubhendu is a director with our regulatory practice, which is part of our Risk and…
  • Podcast

    April 1, 2020
    Listen to Protiviti’s global podcast series on Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) programmes and technologies. Our leaders and experts from around the world provide their perspectives regarding GRC drivers, tools, innovations, and challenges in their market.
  • Blogs

    February 29, 2024
    The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) final updated Global Internal Audit Standards provide the opportunity for transformative change. The update requires the internal audit (IA) function to have a strategic plan aligned with the organisation’s strategy and defined performance objectives.
  • Blogs

    April 26, 2023
    Last Thursday, the Committee of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) released interpretive guidance on how to effectively apply the 2013 Internal Control — Integrated Framework (ICIF) — which is currently applied to financial reporting — to sustainability reporting. The guidance results from a project approved by the COSO board a year ago with the objective of helping…
  • Blogs

    February 27, 2024
    In Part 1 of this blog series, we stressed the importance of educating internal audit’s stakeholders and laying the groundwork for the change management needed to support the required collaboration for effective governance of the internal audit (IA) function. In this post, we summarise key areas of change most likely to impact your organisation, and we explore in further detail areas that will…
  • Flash Report

    March 29, 2023
    The Committee of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) has released supplemental guidance on how to effectively apply the 2013 Internal Control — Integrated Framework (ICIF) — which is currently applied to financial reporting — to sustainability reporting. The guidance results from a project approved by the COSO board a year ago with the objective of helping organisations “…
  • Newsletter

    September 16, 2022
    Boards and their companies operate in an increasingly digital world. Every director should have sufficient digital understanding to engage in strategic conversations with the CEO, other company leaders and other members of the board. Embracing digital capabilities is a mindset that emphasizes a commitment to adapt continuously in the face of change and respond to customers’ increased desire for…
  • Newsletter

    November 17, 2022
    Worldwide, there is awareness that environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations will prove to be essential drivers and components of profitability and sustainable business over the next 10 years. The reality is, however, that the level of engagement with ESG — as an integral component of business strategy — is significantly higher outside of North America than within it, and to an…