Enterprise Risk Management Your trusted guide to a successful Enterprise Risk Management journey Organisations are demanding value beyond “enterprise risk listing” activities and the inertia that can impact an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) programme that loses momentum. They want and need ERM programmes that help them anticipate, adapt, and respond to changes, focusing efforts and resources on risks and opportunities that can impact their strategy and performance.We provide forward-thinking Enterprise Risk Management Services that integrate strategy, business planning, and key decision-making processes to drive better business performance. Our Enterprise Risk Management services We enhance and add value throughout the different stages of your ERM programme. Pro Legal Briefcase ERM Maturity Assessment Understand your current state and develop a road map to enhance or automate your ERM programme. Pro Building office ERM Foundation Establish governance and setup your ERM organisation and framework, taking into consideration your organisation culture, maturity and risk appetite. Pro Document Files ERM Enabling Technology Select and deploy Governance, Risk and Compliance solutions to help you automate your ERM programme. Pro Document Stack ERM strategy and Business Planning Define and set priorities for your ERM programme including investments, strategic decisions, and risk back analysis. Pro Briefcase ERM Execution Implement your risk management programmes, including market, operational, cyber, vendor, innovation, business continuity, crisis management, and digital transformation. Pro Document Consent Risk Index for Risk Measurement, Monitoring and Reporting The Protiviti Risk Index™ helps business functions to become an enabler of growth through efficient tools for risk identification, aligned reporting, and actionable analytics. Our approach Our Risk-Informed approach changes the ERM conversationOur proprietary methodology provides management and the board with relevant risk and opportunity information to support decision-making during strategy setting and performance management. This allows companies to accelerate the alignment process with the new COSO ERM principles and related best practices. Our approach supports the development and evolution of an ERM programme that is:STRATEGIC: Considers the impact of risk on strategy and performanceBALANCED: Measures both risks and opportunitiesINTEGRATED: Is integrated with strategy setting, planning, and business executionCUSTOMISED: Reflects organisational business needs, expectations, and cultural attributesEach ERM programme and its goals are unique and influenced by organisational culture, strategy, and business goals. Therefore, we describe ERM as a journey because it is evolving and not a straight road to success.We can tailor our programme to fit your maturity, risk culture, and risk management needs and expectations. Risk management and regulatory compliance go hand-in-hand. Find out more about Protiviti's regulatory compliance services. Click here Featured insights NEWSLETTER Managing Organisational Blind Spots and Disruption The topics of organisational blind spots and industry disruption continue to command interest in the boardroom. Recent events hosted by Protiviti offer additional insights on these important topics.In October, Protiviti hosted two events attended by... NEWSLETTER Setting the 2025 Audit Committee Agenda The next 12 months are likely to be another challenging year for audit committees. The 9 topics we have highlighted for 2025 may include some areas audit committees would consider beyond the official scope of responsibility as outlined in their... 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