Culture and Organisational Transformation

Enhance employee experience and accelerate growth.

Companies with healthy, purpose-driven cultures outperform those who are lacking. They attract the best talent, have employees that are more engaged and tend to retain their top performers, compared to their peers.   

Protiviti’s data-driven, proprietary framework equips organisations with the right tools to measure, manage and transform your culture, all with the goal of helping your organisation meet your business objectives.   

Accelerate growth and improve employee experience and retention by aligning your company culture, business strategy, and company mission and vision.

Protiviti equips organisations with the right tools to measure, manage and transform your culture

Purpose & Culture

We collaborate across Protiviti’s offerings to provide end to end solutions to meet your organisation’s unique needs.
Pro Building office


We help organisations evaluate transactions to ensure they are entered into with a full understanding of all opportunities and risks, including culture risks. We do a cultural comparative analysis to mitigate potential misalignment.

Pro Document Files


Where technology was once a tool, it is now the path forward. We help organisations understand the capabilities of technology to build business value. We help your organisation grow and move with the evolution of technology while navigating its potholes.

Culture and purpose continue to be a focus of organisations and is an area of emphasis for boards and the c-suite

Our approach

Culture and purpose continue to be areas of focus for organisations and are emphasised for boards and the C-suite. Protiviti helps organisations through the full scale of culture work, whether it be a cultural transformation, improved culture alignment, or practical strategies on how to keep the elements of your culture that you value given the new world of remote work.

  • Align leadership  
  • Helps leadership drive new culture 
  • Establish a framework to help manage your culture 
  • Assess the gap between your current culture and desired culture 
  • Define behaviors to support cultural shift
  • Drive behavior change with the change management/ communications, training and talent processes
Culture and purpose continue to be a focus of organisations and is an area of emphasis for boards and the c-suite


Sam Bassett
Sam is the country leader for Singapore. With over 25 years' experience, he's primarily worked in financial services with consulting firms or directly in the banking industry to deliver change and support strategic, tactical, and operation goals across Asia, Europe and ...

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