Webinar | Mastering DORA Compliance Tuesday, 16 April | 16:00 PM CEST (45 minutes) In this webinar, three topics combined: ICT Incident Management, ServiceNow SecOps and Compliance! We will be taking a deeper look at the requirements the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) has for your organisation's ICT Incident Management, with a particular look at establishing the right processes, asset classification, reporting, ICT incident response, and centralisation of ICT related incidents. Furthermore, we will be demonstrating how ServiceNow can support you with these processes and capabilities.Topics for this upcoming webinar:> What are the expectations of DORA for ICT Incident Management;> How can ServiceNow and in particular SecOps support ICT Incident Management in a cost effective way;> How ServiceNow and Protiviti can help meet DORA requirements including a short demonstration of ServiceNow SecOps;> Q&A Register here