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  • Video
    September 7, 2020
    A line-up of eminent panelists in operational resilience discussed how organisations have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic and what it means for their operational resilience planning going forward, including the potential impact on critical third party vendors.
  • Whitepaper
    July 8, 2020
    Article by Eva Noordhoek and Michiel Kos, Protiviti, FinTech Financial Services Did you know that the term FinTech was probably first used in the 1980s? Peter Knight, the editor of a business newsletter, used the term to describe a bot that had altered his mailbox, which he was pretty upset about (source: Word Spy). While there are currently many, slightly different, definitions around,…
  • Whitepaper
    September 5, 2020
    Your Challenge Unpredictable events such as the current COVID-19 crisis lead to decreasing sales, supply difficulties and other consequences that directly impact the financial situation and thus endanger the financial performance and health of the organization. The short- and long-term challenges in operations, finance and business development must be solved efficiently, in order to…
  • Whitepaper
    October 18, 2022
    On the 16th of July 2020, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled on the Schrems II case, determining that the EU-US Privacy Shield (Privacy Shield) was invalid. So, what does that actually mean?  
  • Whitepaper
    October 18, 2022
    Explained by the example of a breach of privacy legislation In today’s business world trust is a vital resource for companies. To ensure you do not harm the trust stakeholders place in you as a company, many companies have extensive risk control systems in place. Risk controls ensure predictability, business continuity and an adequate response when incidents occur. However, gaining and…
  • Newsletter
    September 29, 2023
    In our latest issue of Private Equity Insights, we offer Protiviti’s latest thinking on ESG issues – specifically, assessing sustainability through an investment and value creation lens. We offer further thoughts on AI (including generative AI) from the board’s and the CFO’s point of view, and we bring the general counsel into the mix through an informative discussion on building legal operations…
  • Whitepaper
    February 20, 2018
    RPA Success Factors: A Risk Based Approach To Implementing RPA In the constant race to find the unique edge and outperform competition companies are looking for ways to streamline processes, reduce costs and focus on value-add activities. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a new solution for these problems, so it’s no wonder all large companies are currently trialing, or implementing, RPA.…
  • Whitepaper
    January 15, 2018
    Noem data de nieuwe olie, als je er verkeerd mee omgaat, krijg je vuile handen. Kijk uit voor datalekken, privacybezwaren en bevooroordeelde artifi cial intelligence. In de dystopische roman De Cirkel koppelt het gelijknamige bedrijf (officieus Google) steeds meer data van mensen aan hun Cirkel-account. Niet alleen profielen en e-mails maar ook gezondheids-gegevens, creditcard-en burgerservice-…
  • Video
    April 24, 2018
    Understand areas where we are assisting Oil & Gas companies with leveraging RPA.
  • Whitepaper
    November 5, 2018
    Begin 2017 is de IORP II (Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision) richtlijn in werking getreden. Begin 2019 moeten de bepalingen uit deze Europese richtlijn zijn ingevoerd in de Nederlandse wetgeving. IORP II kan effect hebben op uw instellingen voor bedrijfspensioenvoorziening (IBPV’s), ook wel ‘Pensioenfonds’ genoemd. Om 1 januari 2019 klaar te zijn, helpt Protiviti pensioenfondsen…