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  • Blog
    March 25, 2021
    No organisation wants to be headline news for underpaying its employees. However, many businesses are being publicly ostracised for violating enterprise agreements (EAs) in Australia. Not only are EAs incredibly complicated, wage law is also evolving rapidly, with Victoria and Queensland passing legislation in 2020. Unfortunately, rapid changes and complex EAs coupled with a shortfall in fully…
  • Blog
    March 26, 2021
    Many financial institutions reacted quickly in March 2020 to bolster credit loss reserves and incorporate anticipated near-term and longer-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on loss reserve estimates. This came on the heels of adopting one of the most significant accounting changes for financial institutions in decades, the Current Expected Credit Losses (CECL) accounting standard. The CECL…
  • Blog
    November 1, 2018
    What’s driving leaders of emerging technology companies and the venture capitalists (VCs) who back them? Here’s a look at three trends that were hot topics for discussion at the recent TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2018 conference: Trend #1: The shortage of skilled tech talent is prompting a search for new markets. Highly skilled technology talent is hard to find in today’s tight hiring environment —…
  • Blog
    November 2, 2018
    Implementing information security technology and creating related policies is relatively easy. Getting the organization to better manage risks through the use of that technology and embrace those policies is quite a bit harder. In a recent survey by ESI ThoughtLab, co-sponsored by Protiviti, untrained staff was seen as the greatest cyber threat by businesses because it can provide a conduit for…
  • Blog
    November 5, 2018
    Even the best-intended internal controls are only as effective as the degree to which they are designed and executed. According to a recent FBI report, failure to adhere to payment and reconciliation controls has cost companies more than $5 billion over the past five years. In addition, a recent cyber threat investigation by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) found widespread…
  • Blog
    November 6, 2018
    Improving processes is a top priority for finance organizations, outside of data security and analytics, according to Protiviti’s 2018 Finance Trends Survey. Robotic process automation (RPA) offers one of the best ways to do that. And yet, judging from the results of the survey, many finance executives are either not aware of or are not ready to commit to this relatively low-cost, non-intrusive…
  • Blog
    November 8, 2018
    Robotic process automation (RPA) is rapidly gaining adoption due to its potential to make routine work more efficient, thus saving companies money and streamlining operations. Leaders recognize the benefit of freeing up skilled resources to focus on tasks requiring intellectual discernment and critical thinking. We have discussed the benefits of RPA in various parts of the organization, including…
  • Blog
    November 12, 2018
    Natural disasters may be local and short-lived, but the devastation they cause can reverberate through the global supply chain for years. The time to be thinking about business continuity is long before a disaster strikes. Consider the recent case of Hurricane Michael. The Category 4 storm, which came ashore in the Florida panhandle, cut a swath through Alabama and the heart of Georgia,…
  • Blog
    November 13, 2018
    Heralded as a “tech light” way to quickly eliminate repetitive work and reduce cost, robotic process automation (RPA) has been gaining wide acceptance and has been deployed by giants like Walmart, AT&T, Walgreens and American Express to automate both front-office and back-office processes. But RPA is not a cure-all. RPA, aka “bots,” while good at handling highly manual and repetitive rules-…
  • Blog
    November 15, 2018
    As part of our Cybersecurity Webinar Series, we presented a webinar recently, discussing the value of establishing a program office dedicated to cybersecurity. Cyber crime is now considered one of the top three risks to an enterprise. Many organizations seek to build security by adding tools and processes on top of their established operations. We explore whether a different approach results in…