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  • Blog
    December 13, 2023
    The ways in which individuals and teams in organizations work are generally recognized as critical to how modern enterprises can sustainably deliver technology. This is because this allows organizations to enable and delight their customers (both internal and external), while maintaining profitability and agility. But it remains challenging for IT organizations to achieve the 'value flywheel'…
  • Blog
    December 1, 2015
    A piece of predictive analytics I want to focus on in this blog entry is predictive model maintenance. It is not a favorite topic, but it is something that needs to be done and actually considered before you even build your models. You have to make sure that the predictive models you build are still performing—a month, six months, a year later—the way you need them to in order to make those…
  • Blog
    December 6, 2023
    The big picture: During an organization’s SAP S/4HANA journey, the lack of attention paid to data can be an all-too-common pitfall. Why it matters: If data preparation and data conversion are addressed and well planned prior to the start of the project, then one of the key risk areas for most projects will be largely mitigated before resource bandwidth is stretched thin.  …
  • Blog
    December 14, 2015
    One of the new features I'm most excited about with the new SAP Predictive Analytics 2.4 update is the HANA Sentiment Analysis module that's been added for HANA online mode. The HANA Text Analytics engine has been available for several years, but has remained somewhat inaccessible due to the relatively complex interface required to use it. I've written in the past about how much I love the SAP…
  • Partner
    Payscale is a leading technology solution for managing and scaling compensation that provides multiple streams of fresh, transparently curated, and validated salary data. Combined with modeling engines that learn continuously and generate recommendations and insight, Payscale empowers HR to price jobs and adjust compensation to reflect near real-time changes in the market — all on one trusted…
  • Partner
    PlainID is The Authorisation Company. PlainID provides both business and admin teams with a simple and intuitive means to control their organisation’s entire authorisation process, all based on their own business logic. PlainID simplifies Authorisation so that thousands of Roles, Attributes and even Environmental Factors can be converted into a few logical Smart Authorisation policies using our…
  • Blog
    November 24, 2015
    Implementation is the piece of your analytics strategy that makes your models available to everyone. Your models aren’t valuable until they can be accessed from wherever they need to be, whether that is in a business intelligence environment or within an application. If no one can get to the information, it’s useless! There are two ways to implement your predictive models and pros and cons to…
  • Blog
    January 17, 2024
    Workday’s object-oriented architecture and robust reporting engine enables financial and human capital data management and analysis within a single platform, unlocking possibilities for powerful new insights. To a new user, the complexity can feel daunting—so where to start? Let’s take a closer look at how to quickly get up to speed, access some of the most valuable standard (out-of-the-box)…
  • Blog
    October 13, 2015
    It really takes convincing and in-depth stakeholder understanding to get buy in for new IT projects. It is equally difficult to get time from business users for any IT implementation, let alone a simple SAP upgrade, that seemingly has little return from a business perspective. This explains the reason many corporations are not upgrading their SAP system or even leveraging the existing SAP BI…
  • Blog
    January 16, 2024
    The quantum threat to cryptography has kept the field of cryptography in a state of suspense for decades. In May 2022, a seismic event happened that most didn’t notice at first, but we’re about to feel the shakes. The White House published the National Security Memorandum on Promoting United States Leadership in Quantum Computing While Mitigating Risks to Vulnerable Cryptographic Systems, also…