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  • Blog
    November 4, 2021
    64% of C-suite and board members agree that the role of cities for business will increase during the next 10 years61% of global business leaders emphasize the growing benefits of city size, significance, and prestige.In North America and Asia-Pacific, the city as a technology hub is viewed as the dominant driver that would attract a business to the city. In Europe, it’s the talent pool.
  • Blog
    November 24, 2021
    All our future construction will be net-zero buildings, which is pretty rare anywhere but especially in this part of the world.We want Masdar City to be that living lab where you can test technology, develop it and then implement it.I’m glad we slowed down from our original development plans, because what we end up with here is going to be better than what we had originally envisioned.
  • Blog
    February 14, 2022
    One classical machine learning approach optimized a portfolio in 33 hours; hybrid quantum annealing produced similar results in three minutes.We will soon reach a tipping point when quantum revolutionizes information security, fraud detection, logistics and other optimization- and simulation-friendly activities.Most organizations will struggle to find and hire the quantum talent they need.
  • Blog
    February 29, 2016
    Part 1 - SAP HANA Information Views In this two-part blog series, I'll discuss some key tips for building successful analytics models in SAP HANA. These considerations are specific to Information Views and Model Design. In this post, I'll describe SAP HANA Information Views and provide tips how to maximize their effectiveness. What are SAP HANA Information Views?  SAP HANA provides…
  • Blog
    February 14, 2022
    Business leaders need to abandon old clichés about jobs and embrace the principles of distributed work and the virtual corporation.It’s possible that people may pursue not just one career, profession or occupation over their lifetimes, but rather two or three.We should move away from concepts such as “remote work” or “hybrid work,” and embrace smarter ways of organizing work.
  • Blog
    February 16, 2022
    3:02 – Leadership, in particular, is going to have to be far more engaging and far more involved in defining what culture is all about.6:51 – I don’t think the talent shortage will be a problem by the time we get to 2030. This is a short-term phenomenon.13:12 – Last question: If you have a five-building campus, why wouldn’t you take one of those buildings and turn it into an early-childcare…
  • Blog
    February 23, 2022
    4:05 - Increasingly, we are not just connecting with people, we’re also connecting with devices, and devices are connecting with devices. Those futuristic ideas of the Internet of things suddenly become much more significant, much more important.10:58 - AI will play an increasingly important role. The good thing is we’re still a long way from that point of singularity where AI is much, much…
  • Blog
    February 28, 2022
    Genuinely diverse and inclusive environments create better output, more innovation, higher productivity and enhanced problem solving. Ironically, we've probably connected more on the human level with each other in the virtual world the last two years than we did before the pandemic.If you haven’t built diversity into your company, or into the design, or into the team working on it, you will end…
  • Blog
    March 1, 2022
    3:57 - When we’ve put ourselves to the test as we have had to do over the past two years, businesses have been pretty good and very able at coming up with better ways of doing things and doing them quickly.20:32 - If companies continue to think about the challenge in these terms and focus on where people are on given days, I think they’ll overlook a much bigger opportunity and that’s to…
  • Blog
    March 8, 2022
    4:25 - Instead of thinking of AI as a threat, if we just changed our mindset and thought of it as our little assistant then we would have a much better perspective on it. We would actually then feel empowered instead of threatened.13:45 - Technology has a bad side and we have to keep an eye on it. We have to make sure that any AI that helps in the workplace is not manipulative, is not biased and…