Results for “Quantum Computing”

  • Blog
    August 16, 2016
    Cloud computing is on the rise as businesses respond to rapidly evolving consumer behaviors, changing business models, and the opportunities and risks brought by new market entrants. Chief information officers and chief technology officers must manage this shift under mounting regulatory pressure and growing concerns about data security and privacy, while simultaneously managing complex and…
  • Blog
    October 22, 2021
    Personal transport, not mass transit, is the way of the future.There will be fewer roads because they would be completely optimized to be efficient. There would be little to no traffic delays, and many existing roads could be re-imagined as green spaces.Amazon’s delivery routes, particularly in big cities, are completely optimized by computers. What they do with packages, we could do with people.
  • News
    December 7, 2023
    Disruptive market and geopolitical risks are testing business agility and resilienceMENLO PARK, Calif. – December 7, 2023 – Economic pressures and persistent inflation have unseated the war for talent as the top near-term risk facing business leaders around the world, according to a new survey from Protiviti and NC State University’s ERM Initiative. The survey measures the most pressing…
  • Blog
    July 1, 2020
    The concept of an extreme but plausible event is a moving and expanding target. Over time, our thinking on what can be deemed implausible or improbable will continue to evolve. The magnitude of impact from real events will reshape our view of what today is considered extreme. It is true that organizations and their business continuity management (BCM) teams often contemplate scenarios that are…
  • Blog
    January 26, 2023
    The dollar value of metaverse-related business opportunities is quantified in trillions, and some jaw-dropping use cases have appeared across a diverse collection of industries, including manufacturing, sports and entertainment, healthcare, the military, retail and fashion.New metaverse threats — like invisible-avatar eavesdropping and the cloning of voice and facial features via avatars — will…
  • Blog
    July 7, 2020
    Application modernization with the cloud is enabling organizations to quickly deliver software while lowering administrative overhead. As companies continue their cloud journey, containerization in the cloud is a modernization pattern that should be leveraged in order to increase scalability and agility in a cost-conscious and secure manner. In this blog, we have listed five guiding questions for…
  • Blog
    September 20, 2021
    The objective of sustainable development is to extend the life expectancy of ecosystems, societies and economies through collaboration with other organizations — for profit and not-for-profit, in the private and public sectors, and across borders on a global scale. This means sustaining natural resources. It means sustaining the cultures and communities that enable commercial activity. And it…
  • Blog
    April 17, 2020
    Protiviti recently introduced the U.N.I.T.E. checklist to share leading practices that help manage remote teams in today’s rapidly shifting work environment. With most of the world now several weeks (or more) into remote working arrangements, we are expanding on our original checklist to explore one specific area of concern observed with our clients and teams: effective, actionable and empathetic…
  • Blog
    April 26, 2018
    With a growing number of companies investing in cloud adoption, digitalization and data-intensive projects, Protiviti’s 2018 Internal Audit Capabilities and Needs Survey makes it clear that internal audit has arrived at a point where it needs to evolve its analytics and technological proficiency among all individuals within the function, as opposed to relying on a single technology “specialist…