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  • Blog
    October 28, 2013
    Today, Protiviti released the results of its 2014 Finance Priorities Survey. As the title implies, we conduct this research annually to identify the top challenges and key areas of focus for CFOs and finance executives and professionals as they prepare for the coming year. Major findings from our just-released research include: - Managing cash flow and working capital efficiently and effectively…
  • Blog
    October 31, 2013
    Search Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) on Google, and you’ll find tales of epic failure outnumber success stories seven to one. If I had a $100 bill for every CFO I have heard complain about his or her frustration with an ERP platform, I’d have a serious bankroll on my hands. Today I thought I’d even the score a little by offering my two cents (since I don’t have that bankroll, unfortunately…
  • Blog
    December 4, 2013
    As someone who’s always trying to peer over the horizon to see what’s “next,” I look forward to the results of our annual Finance Priorities Survey, released earlier this quarter. What sets this publication apart is it reflects the voice of the CFO and other finance executives – real people who face real problems every day. This year’s findings are particularly intriguing considering that many…
  • Blog
    January 23, 2014
    As those of you who serve on audit committees know, setting an effective and strategically sound audit committee agenda is no easy task. For one thing, a lot is already on the agenda and there are certain things audit committees are required to do according to the company’s exchange listing standards and other legal requirements. So aside from the things the committee is obligated to do, is there…
  • Blog
    February 5, 2014
    One of the first questions an organization seeks to answer in risk management is, “What are our most critical risks?” To provide perspectives about the nature of potential risks in 2014, I am pleased to report that Protiviti and North Carolina State University’s ERM Initiative have partnered for the second consecutive year to poll more than 370 board members and C-suite executives regarding their…
  • Blog
    February 7, 2014
    In January, I commented on this page regarding how an effectively designed and implemented lines-of-defense framework can provide strong safeguards against breakdowns in risk management and compliance management. The traditional lines-of-defense model has emphasized three lines of defense – (1) business unit management and process owners, (2) independent risk management and compliance functions,…
  • Blog
    February 10, 2014
    We want to share a heads up with you regarding a new Protiviti newsletter that we’re very excited about. We’ve just published the first edition of PreView, which will be a quarterly review of emerging risks likely to have a strategic impact on organizations over the long term. Our focus in issuing PreView is on helping organizations ask the right questions rather than provide answers. Therefore,…
  • Blog
    February 20, 2014
    If it’s true you can’t legislate morality – and all evidence, including but certainly not limited to corporate malfeasance such as the Enron and Worldcom scandals or the questionable corporate behavior of reckless risk-taking to maximize short-term profits and compensation (under “heads I win, tails you lose” compensation structures that left shareholders with the short stick) that contributed to…
  • Blog
    February 28, 2014
    Protiviti just published a Flash Report on the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) final version of its Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity. I highly recommend that anyone involved in cybersecurity in their organization become familiar with the NIST Framework by reading our report. This framework could end up being the new game in town. Just over a…
  • Blog
    March 12, 2014
    Today, Protiviti released the results of its 2014 IT Priorities Survey, and in it, there are some remarkable findings. Indeed, if there is one word to describe the state of IT organizations in 2014, it is transformation. We found that nearly two out of three organizations are undergoing a major IT transformation. Consider the change and disruption this undoubtedly is creating within IT…