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  • Blog
    October 28, 2016
    Political, regulatory and media attention on the use of offshore jurisdictions by individuals and companies to evade taxes is intensifying. The issue was thrust into the spotlight when the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) released 11.5 million historical documents hacked from Panamanian law firm and corporate service provider Mossack Fonseca in April 2016. The release…
  • Blog
    October 31, 2016
    The distributed denial of service (DDOS) attack on October 21 offered a new twist on an old trick that should cause us to pause and pay attention. DDOS attacks are nothing new. They became popular in the late 90s, when all of us security experts were busy trying to figure out how to combat them. At the time, the attackers were taking advantage of outdated and unpatched operating systems of home…
  • Blog
    November 1, 2016
    Version 3.2 of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS 3.2), the information security standard that guides how entities process, hold and transmit cardholder data, comes into effect today, Nov. 1, 2016. In a post last month we discussed the details and implications of the new standard. Here, we want to point out one change of the new standard that has gone largely…
  • Blog
    November 2, 2016
    In our most recent edition of Compliance Insights, we highlight the compelling news regarding the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit’s ruling in favor of a large, non-bank mortgage servicer seeking relief from an order by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to pay more than $100 million in penalties related to the assessment of mortgage reinsurance…
  • Blog
    November 7, 2016
    A review by Siemens finds that wireless communications are well suited for the often remote locations of oil and gas industry production facilities, both on- and offshore. Previously, satellites provided producers with communications sufficient for transmitting telemetry data, but that method often fell short in system automation controls, which are increasingly required today. Siemens’ analysis…
  • Blog
    February 27, 2017
    Customer loyalty programs are among the basic building blocks of successful consumer products and services companies today. These programs are not only competitive differentiators, but also key drivers of revenue and profits for retailers, restaurants, hotels, airlines and many other businesses. The success of loyalty programs, however, hinges on more than inspiring customers to opt in and…
  • Blog
    February 27, 2017
    On December 30, the federal Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) issued OCC Bulletin 2016-47, Revised Comptroller’s Handbook Booklet and Rescissions. The handbook is the official field guide for federal bank examiners. The update consolidates 13 years of policy changes and guidance to create a single source of truth for all audit-related supervisory matters going forward. Further, the…
  • Blog
    March 1, 2017
    Last week, I wrote about customer loyalty, and how a strong cybersecurity program can help ensure the trust of consumers. Here are some fresh stats about the business impact of cyber threats that consumer products and services executives should know about: In 2016, one in five businesses lost customers due to a cyber attack. Nearly 30 percent lost revenue. About one-quarter lost business…
  • Blog
    March 2, 2017
    Imagine a DNA-programmed nanoparticle capable of hacking cancer cells, a plankton-sized carbon tube that can remove pollutants from water, or food packaging that changes color in the presence of dangerous bacteria. Nanotechnology, with a market predicted to reach almost $13 billion by 2021, has the potential to change the world, and every industry — from healthcare to the military — has a stake…
  • Blog
    March 2, 2017
    It took the new Trump administration essentially no time to start issuing executive orders and presidential memoranda designed to ease regulations on U.S. businesses. Certain changes the administration is advocating would be welcome news for manufacturing and distribution companies, such as: A presidential memorandum that is intended to streamline federal permitting processes for, and to…