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  • Blog
    October 27, 2021
    CFOs play a central role in rethinking the post-pandemic office — not just for the finance team but also for the entire organization. Their financial expertise and acumen can help clarify a fundamental evaluation of the value of physical office locations. This type of comprehensive analysis is important to keep in mind as many organizations consider making permanent the hybrid working models that…
  • Blog
    October 28, 2021
    The United Nations COP26 meeting could spell large changes for companies that have been readily linked to creating an impact on the climate and environment. COP26 is scheduled to take place from October 31 through November 12 and has garnered headlines from global leaders looking to weigh in on climate change around the globe. What is COP26? The United Nations established the Conference of the…
  • Blog
    November 1, 2021
    “Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity — not a threat.” Internal audit functions uncertain or even apprehensive about making the next-gen journey and adopting an innovation culture should heed these words from Apple co-founder Steve Jobs. They should also keep Apple’s famous tagline — “Think different.” — in focus, because the change they’re about to embark on is fundamental…
  • Blog
    November 2, 2021
    Last week, Protiviti launched VISION by Protiviti, an exciting new global content resource exploring big, transformational topics that will alter business over the next decade and beyond. Through a variety of voices and diversity of thought, VISION by Protiviti aims to spark a new conversation in boardrooms and the C-suite and provide a platform for innovative ideas to surface. Big thinkers, both…
  • Blog
    November 4, 2021
    The flexible labor model is on the rise for finance organizations, and there is no going back. A year ago, findings from Protiviti’s global survey of CFOs and finance leaders showed that the use of a new finance labor model helped organizations respond to the COVID-19 pandemic’s disruptions with greater speed and agility. The results of this year’s survey confirm this long-term trend: Finance…
  • Blog
    November 8, 2021
    The successes of Google, Apple, Amazon and other innovative, yet patient, global leaders underscore the advantages of not always being first to market. When it comes to adoption of cloud technologies, corporate finance groups also have a valuable opportunity to join the ranks of intelligent second movers. And CFOs can take advantage of lessons learned, practices developed and confidence gained…
  • Blog
    November 8, 2021
    The 12-day UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP) is underway in Glasgow, after a yearlong delay caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. For over 25 years, the UN has been bringing together world leaders and other interested parties to discuss global climate matters. This year’s summit is the 26th annual meeting, thus the name COP26. Some 25,000 delegates from all over the world are in…
  • Blog
    November 9, 2021
    It's finally here — a historic spending package from the U.S. federal government amounting to more than $1 trillion in infrastructure investments. What does the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act call for and who is going to benefit? This 2,700+ page legislation is the so-called “hard infrastructure” bill, as it is intended to modernize federal highways, transit systems and rail programs, as…
  • Blog
    November 16, 2021
    The proceedings in the 12-day UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow have now concluded. The second week of the summit was about finalizing the document — the Glasgow Climate Pact — which was signed by almost 200 countries on November 13. Negotiators worked tirelessly through the week to turn the momentum and ambition of week one into an agreement that supports…
  • Blog
    November 19, 2021
    The revenue integrity function operates at the core of the revenue cycle in a healthcare organization, ensuring that clinical encounters are translated into accurate reimbursement for the business. Most healthcare providers today have some type of revenue integrity team — although exactly how that function works and how it is staffed varies by organization size and scope. Despite its critical…