Insight Section Listing

Guest host Lucy Pearman talks with Donna Timlen, CCO of OneMain Financial – America’s largest installment lender, about their compliance transformation: talent, technology, strategy and a root cause focus. Donna Timlen has been Chief Compliance Officer (CCO), based out of Baltimore, MD, of OneMain Financial since November 2015 and reports to the OneMain General Counsel. Donna has served as CCO of OneMain…
Podcast | Future of ESG
November 16, 2021
In this episode, Paul Middleton, Managing Director at Protiviti, interviews Leon Kamhi, the executive director and head of Responsibility at Federated Hermes. Paul and Leon consider the evolving ESG landscape and what the future of ESG looks like for businesses. Listen to this podcast to learn about the steps organisations must take to transform their ESG processes, the regulatory challenges that must be overcome…
D-Wave has been making quantum computers for over a decade, and their annealers excel at optimisation. If you look at the use cases the company has been helping customers with – saving time, money or both - it almost feels like quantum advantage is here. During this podcast, we discuss the power of annealers from D-Wave and how organisations can take advantage of the benefits today. Guest: Alex Condello, Director-…
Ever notice that giant tech companies seem to get press coverage for privacy concerns as often as they do for new product launches? How did we end up in this world of playing catch up with the ethical implications of technology? Quantum computing is still relatively new, but it will impact machine learning, encryption, and other areas that will have major repercussions on all our futures. During this podcast we…
Compared to a couple years ago, we’re spoiled by how many real quantum computers we can access online today. Some systems are available through multi-hardware cloud sites like Microsoft Azure Quantum and Amazon Braket; some through individual system manufacturer’s own sites. As more machines come online, and more businesses compete for quantum compute time, things are starting to get a little complicated.…
One of the hottest jobs in quantum computing in the coming years will be that of software engineer. The need for translating complex business needs to quantum algorithms and code will only grow. In this episode we talk to Dr. Anna Hughes from Agnostiq about her unique career path to quantum software engineer. Guest: Dr. Anna Hughes, Quantum Software Engineer at Agnostiq
Engineering challenges abound in quantum computing. Technologies like interconnect and improved memory for repeaters will enable these machines to accelerate and power connectivity in the future. Q-NEXT is one of five quantum information science research centers funded by the DOE to help develop these technologies in addition to strengthening the nation’s leadership position in the quantum arms race. Guest:…
It has been an active, and often wild, ride in the IPO market over the past year. After a slow period during the heart of the initial COVID-19 crisis, market activity has reignited at a blistering pace, driven by optimism in the global economy and the emergence of special purpose acquisition companies, or SPACs, among other factors. There’s ample excitement right now about IPOs, but there also are areas to be…
Classical computing cannot simulate more than about 50 qubits. What does it mean that we now have a quantum computer with, gasp, 100 qubits? ColdQuanta found a way to beat giants like IBM to this amazing feat, and they did it with a new approach that may lead to smaller quantum computing systems that could be rack-mountable one day. Like a reverse microwave, the new Hilbert computer uses lasers to slow down particle…
Like organisations in virtually every industry today, utilities are addressing a number of critical challenges and trends in the market, from infrastructure demands, to calls to improve the customer experience, to talent demands, and much more. How will the future for utilities evolve? In this informative podcast, Peter Tumminello and Claire Gotham offer a number of interesting insights into these issues. Pete is…