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  • Survey

    January 7, 2022
    The quality and, in some cases, the existence of the CISO/CFO relationship varies by company. In organisations where the CISO role is positioned and promoted as a source of value, CISOs and CFOs tend to collaborate more often and more meaningfully than in companies that treat information security as a cost center (and typically struggle with cybersecurity as a result). Protiviti’s 2021 Global…
  • Client Story

    April 18, 2022
    Australia’s health expenditure makes up 10.3% of the country’s gross domestic product and is growing at a rate of AUD$181 billion annually, placing a spotlight on public health services and increasing pressure on them to manage their cash flow efficiently. To do so, healthcare organisations are increasingly reliant on an efficient health insurance claims process. Effective claim processing…
  • Newsletter

    March 14, 2024
    Geopolitical risk seems higher than at any point in recent memory. Managing this risk effectively should be a core competency for all businesses — and the board should lead the way.After decades of globalisation shaping the world order, businesses are now forced to accept a new reality. Geopolitical risk is an ever-growing threat with far-reaching potential consequences. This risk arises from a…
  • Blogs

    November 9, 2023
    In the rapidly evolving business landscape, chief financial officers (CFOs) and finance directors (FDs) face several challenges, from the unpredictable economic environment to the ability to attract and retain top talent and the organisation’s resistance to change. How can today’s finance professionals best align people, processes and technology? On 14 September, clients in the finance and…
  • Podcast Transcript

    April 5, 2021
    Managing risks and strengthening controls associated with operations have become increasingly more complex for all organisations. Firms are expending significant time, money, and resources to implement required changes and prioritise operational risk management efforts. As costs continue to increase, it is clear that the overly manual, reactive, and siloed status quo is unsustainable. In this…
  • Podcast

    April 28, 2022
    Managing risks and strengthening controls associated with operations have become increasingly more complex for all organisations. Firms are expending significant time, money, and resources to implement required changes and prioritise operational risk management efforts. As costs continue to increase, it is clear that the overly manual, reactive, and siloed status quo is unsustainable. In this…
  • Whitepaper

    April 29, 2022
    The Ukrainian refugee crisis More than 5 million refugees – greater than 10% of the country’s population – have fled from Ukraine in the two months since the Russian invasion, about 90% are women and children. The number of refugees already rank the Ukrainian refugee crisis among the top five refugee crises in recent times, and there is no indication that the migration is ending.   The refugees…
  • Whitepaper

    November 20, 2020
    The data, automation and enterprise application landscape is significantly changing. It is critical for data-driven enterprises to have single version of truth and a cyclical approach that includes business processes to analyse, automate and act. The Microsoft Power Platform aids this common challenge by providing organisations with an enterprise-grade platform, specifically those utilising…
  • Survey

    April 29, 2020
    A financial institution’s ability to maintain profitability through times of economic certainty or uncertainty is undoubtedly impacted by its careful management of the credit portfolio. Protiviti’s Credit Pulse is intended to provide a summary and analysis of economic indicators impacting financial institutions and the strength of their credit portfolio while providing industry-leading insights…
  • Podcast

    June 7, 2024
    Supply chain management continues to be a hot topic in countless organisations in light of ongoing geopolitical challenges, evolving impacts of climate change, new tariffs, changing labor markets, and much more. How can supply chain and procurement leaders attack these and other challenges? It starts with building and implementing a strategic sourcing strategy.  Protiviti recently published a…